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Navya's P.O.V.

I darted through the bustling streets of Delhi, my heart pounding in sync with my hurried footsteps.

Navya Arora, perpetually late for meetings, they'd say.

Today was no exception. I glanced at my watch, the numbers glaring back at me in accusation. 9:47 AM. The meeting started at 9:30.

Great. Just great

My mind raced through the clutter of excuses I could offer. Traffic jam? Too cliché. Overslept? Well, that wouldn't be too far from the truth. But I couldn't let my tardiness dampen the mood. We had important matters to discuss, and my absence wouldn't help.

Finally, I reached the towering glass building that housed our office, the Archaeological Survey of India. As I entered the lobby, my eyes darted to the elevator, willing it to move faster. My breath caught in relief as the doors pinged open, and I squeezed in among the sea of suited individuals.

The elevator ascended, but my impatience grew with each passing floor. I tapped my foot anxiously, stealing glances at my watch every few seconds. Finally, the doors slid open, and I burst out, almost tripping over my own feet in my haste.

I skidded into the meeting room, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards me. Dr. Singh, our team leader, arched an eyebrow in amusement.

"Ah, Navya, glad you could join us," he said with a hint of sarcasm.

I plastered on a sheepish smile. "Sorry, got caught up in traffic," I mumbled, not daring to meet anyone's eyes.

Dr. Singh shook his head, but the corner of his lips twitched upward. "Take a seat, we were just about to start."

I sank into the nearest chair, trying to ignore the amused glances from my colleagues. As Dr. Singh began to outline the agenda, I let out a silent sigh of relief.

'Crisis averted, for now.'

As the meeting progressed and Dr. Singh delved into the agenda, the atmosphere in the room grew palpably charged with anticipation. His voice, steady and authoritative, commanded the attention of everyone present.

"Now, onto our discussion," Dr. Singh began, his gaze sweeping across the room. "As many of you are aware, the submerged city of Dwarka has long been a subject of fascination for archaeologists and historians alike."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room, confirming the shared interest in this enigmatic site.

"We have been granted permission to conduct an extensive research project at Dwarka," Dr. Singh continued, his tone laced with excitement. "This is a rare opportunity to delve into the mysteries of one of the oldest known cities in the world."

A ripple of excitement surged through the assembled researchers, their eyes alight with curiosity and eagerness.

"Our team will be collaborating with experts from various disciplines," Dr. Singh explained, gesturing towards the projected slide that illuminated the screen behind him. "We'll be working alongside marine archaeologists, oceanographers, and geologists to unravel the secrets hidden beneath the waves."

I felt a surge of excitement coursing through my veins at the prospect of this ambitious project. Dwarka, with its submerged ruins and rich history, had always held a special fascination for me. To be a part of the team tasked with exploring its depths was a dream come true.

"We'll be setting up base camps near the site," Dr. Singh continued, his words painting a vivid picture of the logistical challenges that lay ahead. "Our researchers will undergo specialized training to adapt to the unique conditions of underwater archaeology."

As Dr. Singh outlined the scope of the project, detailing the various research objectives and methodologies, I found myself leaning forward in my seat, hanging onto his every word. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to make groundbreaking discoveries that could rewrite history books.

And finally, Dr. Singh concluded, his voice brimming with enthusiasm, "I am pleased to announce that our department will be joined by esteemed researchers from institutions across the country. Together, we will embark on this journey of discovery, unlocking the secrets of Dwarka for generations to come."

A round of applause erupted in the room, echoing the collective excitement and anticipation that filled the air. As I glanced around at my colleagues, their faces alight with determination and resolve, I knew that we were on the brink of something extraordinary. The submerged city of Dwarka awaited, its secrets poised to be revealed by the intrepid team of researchers assembled before me. And I, for one, couldn't wait to dive in.

As the applause subsided, Dr. Singhs gaze swept across the room, his expression one of pride and determination.

"I understand that this project will present numerous challenges," he continued, his voice projecting with authority. "But I have every confidence in the abilities of each and every one of you. Together, we will overcome any obstacles that stand in our way."

His words resonated deeply within me, filling me with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. This was not just another research project; it was a chance to leave a lasting impact on the field of archaeology, to uncover the secrets of a lost civilization hidden beneath the waves.

"We will be conducting preliminary surveys in the coming weeks," Dr. Singh announced, his voice cutting through the buzz of excitement that permeated the room. "I expect everyone to familiarize themselves with the latest research findings and prepare accordingly."

Nods of agreement rippled through the assembled researchers, each one fully committed to the task at hand.

"As for our new colleagues joining us for this project," Dr. Singh continued, his tone growing more solemn, "I expect nothing but the highest level of professionalism and cooperation. We are all here for the same purpose: to further our understanding of our shared past."

With that, Dr. Singh concluded the meeting, the air crackling with anticipation as my colleagues and I exchanged excited whispers and eager glances.

As we began to file out of the meeting room, the energy in the air was palpable, a tangible manifestation of the excitement and anticipation that filled each of us. The submerged city of Dwarka awaited, its mysteries calling out to us, beckoning us to uncover the truths hidden beneath the waves.

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