"Exactly how do I fit in to this?"

"You're my imprint." Jake says. I blackout for a moment, my eyes widen, my breathing slows. Everything just stops "El?" His voice is distorted. "El? El!?! Elizabeth!?!" And then everything fades into the dark...


"El?" I ask. "El? El!?! Elizabeth!?!" Her eyes flutter shut her chest moves slow, like she's barely breathing. Her heartbeat almost nonexistent. I pick up her limp body and head toward Carlisle's. Dodging trees, climbing hills, all just a pain in the ass, the only thing driving me is El.
"What happened?" Carlisle questions.

"I don't know, I told her about imprinting then she just- she just, blacked out." I reply, a little panicky. I look down at Elizabeth's body, her chest rising and falling at a normal pace.

"She'll be fine, maybe a little shakey when she first wakes up, but that should wear off fairly quickly." He states. I nod and take her home.
"What happened to her Jake?" Seth asks nervously.

"She blacked out, Carlisle said that she'd be fine, a little shakey when she first wakes up, other than that she'll be normal El." I sigh rubbing my thumb over her fist. Her lip twitches into a slight smile.

"Nothing serious right?" Still nervous, damn he's such a kid.

"Nothing serious Seth." I growl. He puts up his hands in surrender and backs out of my room. I take one of El's in both of mine, I press my lips against her forehead, I slowly pull back and let out a sigh. She's like this, because of me. I did this. I don't even know when she'll wake up. If she wakes up. My body starts to tremble. I let go of her hand and walk out of the house.

"Jake!" Billy calls after me. "JAKE!" I keep going, rip off my shirt, and phase. "JACOB!" Too little, too late. I'm already gone, and the annoying voices in my head return.

"Jake, what the hell are you doing?" Jared first. I try to ignore it.

"You have to go back. You imprinted remember? Be there for her. Jake you have to be her everything." Now Embry. I skid to a halt.

"Come back Jacob." Seth, of course. I un-phase and head back to the house, but something throws me off. I'm already in Canada. I growl at myself, the phase and set back home.
"Why in the everliving hell would you go and do something so incredibly stupid?" Emily snaps.

"Well I don't know. Maybe I didn't want to hurt her!" I bark. Emily's face grows red with anger.

"So you run off!" There it is, classic pissed off Emily, weak and human.

"I swear Black, you are the dumbest werewolf I know." Sam sighs, not pissed, surprisingly. Ehh, not so much, sinse the whole Emily incident, he knows why I ran. I can't hurt Elizabeth. Not like that.

"Um, offensive. You know Seth." I scoff.

"2nd dumbest werewolf." He corrects. I smirk and glance at El. Billy said to bring her out to the couch. She still curls up into a tight ball when she sleeps. Barely takes up half a couch cushion. Like a puppy, a sad little sleep deprived puppy.

"That's better." I say victoriously, even though I practically lost, majorly.

"You're still an idiot." Emily chimes back in. She's a bitch, a major bitch. I clench my fists.

"Leave him alone Em." Sam defends me. It's about damn time he does. I smirk in victory. I look over at Elizabeth and the smirk slowly fades. She's already curled up tighter, like she's in pain. Her head tucked in her knees, her knees at her chest, her arms against her legs. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder.

"She'll be fine." Jared. At least he has a heart. He pats my shoulder letting out a sigh and walking off. I plop on the couch beside Elizabeth. She rolls over onto my lap. Now she looks even more like sleeping puppy. All curled up on my lap.

"Jake?" Her voice hoarse.

"I'm here." I whisper stroking her hair. She's awake! Outside I'm calm, but on the inside I'm screaming, like a girl. Pathetic. I know.

Short chapter. I know. Next chapter'll be longer.

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