Suddenly, a fanfare played through the air. It was bright and cheery, which rivalled the demeanour of the Queen. She was taller than EJ had expected, when she stepped into the theatre, flaming red hair in a style that the Queen of Hearts would be jealous of. Her make up was more than likely lead, whitening her to the point of snow, in order to hide away her smallpox scars.

The Doctor seemed giddy as she stopped in the centre of the theatre. "Queen Elizabeth I!"

A hiss escaped her thin, painted lips. "Doctor!"


"Oh, holy hell." EJ sniggered, bemused. "She knows you."

"My sworn enemy!"


"Off with his head!"

Almost offended, he retaliated. "What?"

"Never mind what, run!" Martha commanded, swiftly, taking charge when it was needed. "See you, Will! And thanks!"

EJ grabbed onto the Doctor and pulled him through the stage backdoor, which meant they could escape in a way that the Queen's guards had yet to think of. Even then, they could hear her calling. "Stop him! Stop that pernicious Doctor!"

Truthfully, the Thompson boy couldn't remember where they'd left the Tardis. It seemed to be miles away, but the Doctor remembered, which he was thankful for. However, there was the issue that the doors were still locked, and EJ's keys were inside the Tardis, along with pretty much everything he owned.

"Stop in the name of the Queen!" Signified that the guards were catching up to him.

"What have you done to upset her?" Martha shouting to him as they stopped at the blue doors.

"I don't know. I haven't met her yet." The Doctor hurried, searching through his pockets for his keys. "That's time travel for you! Still, can't wait to find out... that's something to look forward to!"

Finally the door opened, and EJ sighed in relief as he pushed his way in. The Doctor, as always, waited until last, making sure that everyone else was safe before himself. However, very quickly he realised that an arrow was being fired at the Tardis, and the only way that he was going to be safe was locked inside.

EJ looked up as soon as he realised that the Doctor was inside, he offered a smile. There were a few things he'd needed, and so, he had made himself comfortable on the beams, looking through his things. Martha sat herself down on the chair beside the console as the Doctor waltzed towards them.

     "Do you mind if I make a quick call?" The Thompson boy asked as he took out his phone. "Haven't spoken to bean for a while."

  "Course." The Doctor shrugged as he pulled a few notches on the console. "Take all the time you need."

  "Bean?" Martha asked, curiously.

     Gently, EJ jumped down from the beam, phone and wallet in hand. He took the polaroid from inside of his wallet, and offered it to the woman to look at. It was one of his favourites. Him and Josh from the day they'd taken him on his first trip in the Tardis. He had been so excited, and it was brilliant. Being able to share that with Josh was one of the greatest moments of his life.

     "Bean is my nickname for him, for Joshua." EJ pointed to the small, grinning boy. "He's my son."

  "Oh my God." He smiled, gently, at her wonderment. "He looks just like you."

  "Yeah, I suppose he does." The Thompson boy had never thought about it like that before.

     Whenever he looked at Josh, all he could see was Zoë. It was her doe brown eyes he had, but he'd never once seen his own face until now. The same cheeky grin which spread across their faces, the cheekbones. There weren't many photos from EJ's childhood, but from the ones he had, he and Josh could have been switched, and the difference would have been minimal.

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