Intellect Sharpens Steel

532 3 4

Gale comforts Reg, the half-orc fighter, after the battle with Lorroakan.

Content warning: Violence, intense emotion/descriptions of anxiety

Personal Tav: Reg, half-orc, battelmaster fighter, urchin background

Act 3, spoilers without context

Word count: 2138


"You dull, disgusting vermin!" Lorroakan snarled. Unfortunately for him, it's not easy to intimidate a half-orc. Reg smirks as they retort.

"Call me something creative, at least."

They attempt to cleave upwards into the wizard. They grimace when sparks shoot into their face, their sword reflected by his arcane shield. They bring the greatsword down the other diagonal and finally bypass his defense. His blood blends in with his crimson robes. Rage flares hot in his eyes as he summons a torrent of elements to rebuke against the fighter. They wince at the sting of acid and the smell of their own burnt flesh. Reg has no doubt their party will defeat him, but he is certainly making it a challenge. Dame Aylin and Karlach have been back-to-back fending off elementals. Shadowheart and Gale have been casting from the sides providing much needed support. Silver light envelopes Reg as Shadowheart manages to heal them. Reg braces, taking this temporary boon and charging forward again. Rest can wait for when Lorroakan's heart stops beating.

Despite the whirling elementals, clanging of swords, and lights from spells cast around them, Reg's focus is narrowed on the villain before them; another powerful man who lost his morals to greed. The fighter has proven one can dominate combat without spells. Lorroakan, however, is the first enemy to make Reg question their own martial resolve. They're able to get a few quick swings on his lithe form before he begins to weave another spell. Reg charges forward with fury.

"Steel crumbles before wit, ignoramus! In my domain, you are weak!"

The wizard's eyes glow orange and he releases the energy towards them. The magic bites into their mind and locks their muscles, freezing the half-orc mid-charge. They can't move or speak. Lorroakan grins at their helplessness, his orange glow turning bright blue. Lightning shoots forward through Reg, unable to even scream. Their vision goes white with searing pain and the sounds of battle are drowned out by a violent ringing in their ears. They're now battling with their own wavering consciousness. After an endless screen of white nothingness, their senses begin to return. The scene is blurry as it  appears. They're unsure of how long the spell has been holding them as a statue for, could be mere seconds, or minutes. They focus their mind through the pain and bring their attention to their body. They've broken countless spells before, this one should be no different. Sensing their struggle, Lorrakan whips his head in their direction. A sinister grin splits his features.

"I'm almost impressed. You half-orc garbage are resilient, but decidedly primitive."

Pale blue energy crackles in his palms once more. Reg's mind is straining against the Hold Person spell stronger than the Absolute strains against the Chosen. In both scenarios, however, they are too weak to break it. The thunderous flash of light bursts from Lorroakan, but is instantaneously swallowed by purple glowing ruins. He peers up at the balcony with annoyance as his second lightning bolt fizzles from his hands.

"Enough!" Gale shouts.

That expertly timed counter spell enraged Lorroakan, causing his mental focus on the Hold spell to slip. With a final push of effort, Reg shatters the arcane energy suspending them. Their charge resumes with full force, resulting in their sword piercing the wizard clean through the stomach. They lean towards him, their body hot with rage.

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