Personal Tav Introductions

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A majority of these stories are very open ended and have the ability to be read as self-inserts/OC inserts. There's a few that I've written with some of my specific Tavs in mind. Writing around an established character can give me a bit more to work off of and can create for some really interesting stories in my opinion. So, for the stories that I based on specific Tavs, here's a bit of an index of them all with some more detailed background. It's not required to read this before reading any of those stories - I'll always include the relevant character information in said story - but it's a way for you as the reader to understand these perspectives a bit more. Feel free to let me know if these are characters you want to see explored more deeply.


Zenith (they/them)

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Zenith (they/them)

Zenith is a half-drow paladin, sworn to the Oath of Vengeance. They woke up on the nautiloid with only a headache, their name, their oath, and a deep hunger for blood. This Dark Urge has continuously contested with their sense of justice, allowing them to relate quite heavily to a certain Blade of Frontiers. The Urge actually didn't pose that much of a threat to their oath, as long as they killed villains they still met their murder quota. Zenith is clumsy, blunt, and sarcastic at times, which has been known to cause issues with their oath, and even eventually break it. Despite this - and again, that deep unexplainable yearn to kill - they believe in the good around them and will do anything to ensure evil remains at bay. TLDR big himbo, bigger trauma.


Reg (they/them)

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Reg (they/them)

Reg is a half-orc, battlemaster fighter. Back in the city, they did whatever labor they could get their hands on: construction, security, physical labor, anything that required muscle and paid. Even in The Gate, street urchins didn't have many options, especially as a half-orc refugee. Reg holds very few memories of their home tribe, but it's destruction continuously plagues their mind. They made it to the city as a young child and quickly learned you have to be strong and scrappy to survive in the Lower City streets. What they lacked in education and eloquence they made up for in strength, dedication, and determination. Baldur's Gate was a cruel excuse of a home, but that never compromised their morality. Social status doesn't matter to them, everyone deserve the chance at a fair life. Those who decide to use their station to be dicks, well, Reg isn't afraid to knock them down a few pegs.


Tyran (he/him)

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Tyran (he/him)

Tyran is an Asmodeous tiefling, battlemaster fighter who specializes in archery. He lived quite humbly in Baulder's Gate, just making a living and trying to do good when he could. Employed by a butcher to hunt game he became quite skilled with ranged weapons. Being in the wilds, however, can lead to some unexpected adventures. He's become a bit of a local folk hero for some of his feats and deeds, but no one of great note. Even within the city he's still widely unknown, just a commoner with a knack for shooting. He's practical and inquisitive, strong and kind hearted, and remarkably driven. He won't give up without a fight. His martial prowess paired with courage has drawn the eye of the camps wizard, who the feeling is mutual for. Some may call him idealistic or naive, but his head remains on his shoulders even when trying to save everyone.

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