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『Face card』

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Face card

Nanami sat behind his desk, ignoring the piles of documents and the growing amount of emails that were popping up on his screen in favor of staring at the birds outside his office's window. It was nice outside and the blond man had to appreciate the change of scenery even if it meant more lies and trouble. Nanami was lost in thought until his assistant came knocking, swiftly snapping him out of it.

"Miss Botha is here for you sir" she joyfully announced to which the man thanked and instructed her to send the woman in. For some reason, he was impatient to see her walk through that door as he had spent the whole morning just waiting for her. When she finally appeared in his office, equipment in hands and relaxed expression on her face, Nanami suddenly felt at easy.

"Good morning" he greeted her with a handshake "I'm really grateful to get photographed by someone of your level, truly" he felt inclined to give her her flowers, after all she had photographed the greatest. From star athletes to head of countries, nobody was spared from her genius.

"The pleasure is all mine, I finally get to photograph something else than celebrities" She began putting in place her camera and some light fixtures to get the perfect shot. Zaria quickly analyzed the room before instructed the older man on where he should place himself for the perfect headshot, slightly leaning in front of his desk "Please, let me know when you're ready" she sais as she placed herself behind the camera.

Nanami fixed himself before posing and putting on a light smile. The bright flash blinded him for a second, and within that short period of time, as soon as his vision had cleared, you were already a foot out of his office, all your camera stuff neatly back in their compartments "Wait" he called out, stopping Zaria in her tracks. As she looked at him, waiting for him to talk, the blond man realized he actually didn't have anything to say.

"How should we handle the payment ?" Nanami managed to front and pull out a question without stammering.

"My agency will contact you" She gave him an amused smile, as if his question was almost silly "Is that all ?" She raised an eyebrow at the man who stood before her, hands deep in the pockets of his doctor's coat.

"You have a teenage daughter right ?" He cleared his throat and after you gave a him a slightly suspecting hum, he continued "My-well Toji's son is staying with us for a while and I'm worried he'll be locked up in his room his whole stay since he's a bit of an introvert"

"You want me to set up a play date with my daughter and your godson or some ?" Zaria playfully giggled to a now slightly embarrassed Nanami "I mean, sure, my baby is very social, she'll be glad to help him open up" the woman voiced with a reassuring tone.

"Great " Nanami let out a breath that he hadn't even realized he was holding.

"You're really...a good person, Doc"she said with sincerity, causing him to feel a pang of guilt for the secrets he harbored "After all, I owe you for what happened the other night" Zaria added, clearly embarrassed by her being proper caught red handed.

"Hm ?" He cocked his head in sign of confusion but Zaria was not about to remind him or just out herself when he probably hadn't notice in the first place. I mean, it was pretty dark out after all right ?

"Nothin ! I'll see you around" she stormed out.

Nanami chuckled. He knew better then to embarrass someone especially a gorgeous woman that lived right next door. Lost in thought, Nanami's phone rang. It was a masked number but he knew exactly who it was which was partly why he didn't even pick up the call. Regardless of his wants, the surgeon accepted the call and brought the phone to his ear.

"She's pretty right ?" A familiar sinister voice laughed on the other hand "Look all~ you want, but, don't touch" the voice chuckled a bit more. Nanami's lips curved into a sly smile as he listened to the voice on the phone. He recognized it immediately. The man's possessiveness, jealousy and slight psychopathy were well-known by Toji, Hiromi and Nanami but the blond wasn't one to be intimidated.

"She's a real catch, isn't she?" Nanami replied casually, unfazed by the warning. "You really missed out on something here but I'll be sure to keep my hands to myself, don't you worry."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before the man chuckled, annoyed by Nanami's nonchalance. "Just remember, we've got business to attend to. Don't let distractions get in the way."

Nanami nodded, the smile still playing on his lips. He understood the importance of their work and was determined to stay focused, even with the alluring presence of his neighbor nearby. As he hung up the phone, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the new dynamic in play. It was so new and strange to him but he wouldn't see he disliked it. This was going to be interesting.

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