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There were many things Munya Kane loved. Whether it was shopping, getting her nails and hair done or playing tennis at the country club with her girlfriends, but her lifelong lover was money. It was what allowed her to purchase all the elegant dresses and stylish shoes, tip her nail tech and hairdresser extra than the other clients and pay for her exclusive membership at the club. Basically, it was what allowed her to live that soft life. Her dear husband had plenty of that green paper, which was initially the reason why she wanted to marry him, but she actually fell in love with the charming Andres Kane, which she would come to regret later on.

Today was another lazy day in her big empty house, a cold glass of moscato in hand and a romance book on her lap. Of course, she would have preferred to talk shit with her friends, but unfortunately, they had kids to take care of, so they were pretty busy. She thought it was so lame and it only reinforced her belief that she would never have kids.

Munya, who had finally reached the interesting part of her book, groaned when someone knocked on her door and she had to get up to see who it was. Her mood quickly changed when she saw who it was "Hey" she smiled at the black haired man that stood before her, a basket of muffins in hands and a forced smile on his face.

"I just wanted to properly thank you for helping me last night, you know, suburbian style" He held up the basket that she happily grabbed. The smell of freshly baked muffins was truly heavenly.

"Thank you, did you make these yourself ?" Munya cheerfully asked her new neighbor.

"Uh, yes" He scratched the back of his head, he almost looked embarrassed to admit that, which Munya found weirdly cute "I should go" he cleared his throat as he felt his cheeks getting warmer because of the way she was eyeing him "See you around, neighbor" He slowly began walking backwards.

"Bye bye" She waved goodbye and stayed at her door, watching him walk away. When she finally got back into her house, she felt strange. She had felt like this before though, a long time ago, when she first met her husband.

Before getting married, Munya worked as a fashion designer but, instead of looking at her designs or even the stunning models rocking them, Andres Kane was always impatiently waiting for the humble designer to appear at the end of the shows just to admire her and the confident smile she wore on her face whilst walking down the runway. Andres never missed a show and the designer soon came to notice him. He was charming, handsome and more importantly wealthy, which seduced the women and brought her to fall quickly and so deeply in love with him. His smooth british accent also played a big part.

That love was soon replaced by loathe when he dragged her kicking and screaming out of Atlanta and into this suburbian hell just for him to go on business trips and leave her in a big yet empty house. Of course, there was a little part of her that still loved him, but the rush she felt when her eyes met with Hiromi's got her thinking.

Maybe she should get some other company than her girl friends.

"Honey, I'm home~" Munya's head darted up to the front door. Her husband entered the living room, a wide smile on his face and multiple bags in his hands "I've missed you" He dropped the bags on the coffee table and slumped next to her to lean forward and press a kiss on his wife's cheek.

"Yeah, yeah" She grimaced when his lips came in contact with her cheek, but she pulled through to grab the bags on the table. Some pretty designer shoes and bust down jewelry that she will gladly strut around in knowing that they were a type of compensation from her absent husband. Of course, after weeks of being away from his wife and bringing her shoes the price of a liver, Munya had to, at least, act like she was happy to see him.

"I've missed you so much" Andres repeated as he placed soft kisses down her neck but Munya was more focused on what was going on outside, her eyes fixated on Hiromi talking to Toji before getting into his car and driving away. When she finally closed her eyes, she imagined him as the man on top of her at the moment.

Expensive jewelry, shoes and dresses, stuff that Andres would buy his wife after weeks on a business trip in hopes that she would overlook his abondamment. It used to work, at first, but what he didn't know, is that it had been long now that it didn't anymore.

She needed more and she felt her new neighbor could give her that.

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