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『𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬』

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『𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬』

Hiromi Higuruma had lived in all types of places and neighborhoods. From trap houses in questionable neighborhoods to small apartments in urban areas and even ranches in the most rural parts of the country, he had seen it all. But, the suburbs were truly unknown territory for him, unlike his partners who had lived there before, so he was the only one unaware about how friendly people are in suburbia.

"Why were they here in the first place ?" Hiromi groaned, staring up at the the two men who had forcefully made him sit down on the couch like a little kid getting lectured by his parents.

"Why are you walking around with a bloodied knife ?" Kento knew it was rude to answer a question with an other question, but in the case of his friend acting like he jumped straight out of a Slasher movie in the middle of the day, he couldn't care less about being polite "We're supposed to be the logical ones here, Hiro" the blond man whispered to Hiromi who slowly nodded.

"I heard that" Toji glared at his partner "Look, all we're trying to say is that, we're not in Chicago anymore so you can't pull shit like this. You're lucky they didn't see you" Toji carefully explained as he sat down on the coffee table "Got it ?"

"Yes sir." He rolled his eyes "You still haven't answered my question, why did you let them in ?" He leaned back and crossed his arms, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"They brought pie, how could we say no" The scarred man said "Fine, how could I say no" He corrected himself when he felt Nanami's burning gaze on him.

"Whatever, I'm going back to my interrogation" Hiromi got up and made his way to the attic, ignoring whatever the men were telling him. He rolled up his sleeves, retrieved his knife and walked over to the bloodied man slumped in the chair in front of him. He took one long look at the man and immediately knew he was no longer... A sharp curse escaped his lips whilst he angrily planted the knife in the wooden table next to him "Shit" Hiromi sighed knowing that he was going to get an earful when he announced the death of the hostage to his partners. Well, more like Toji was going to be laughing his ass off while Nanami reprimanded him.

"That was quick" Toji mumbled as he stuffed his face with pie, his eyes following Hiromi walking down the stairs "Oh~, I know that look" Toji's eyes widened whilst his mouth formed into a grin at the sight of his friends face. While to everyone else it looked like his usual stoic expression, to his partners there was a slight difference, something subtle that let them know he had screwed up. And not just a little.

Nanami entered the room with a slice of pie himself and immediately noticed Hiromi "Please don't tell me..." He knew what this was about, but he still prayed that it wasn't. All his hopes were dashed when Hiromi slowly nodded "We literally just got here" Kento sounded so defeated, he didn't even have the energy to get mad, even with Toji laughing like a hyena.

"I barely touched him" Hiromi argued but there was no use.

"Did you at least get some info out of him ?" Toji managed to ask while trying his best to stop giggling.

"He kept saying he didn't know anything" He sighed and took a seat at the table "I'll get rid of the body tonight" He told the two men who, of course, didn't offer to help at all. He spent the day cleaning up the blood in the attic by himself, cutting up the deceased by himself and even throwing the various body parts into garbage bags again by himself and by the time he was done it was pitch black outside.

"Do one of you want to help me drag these to the car ?" Hiromi stood in front of his two friends in the living room, a garbage bag in each hand inviting his partners to help him dispose of the bags.

"I'm good" Toji flipped a page of his book.

"No, thank you" Kento poured himself an other glass of Pinot noir.

Hiromi wasn't even surprised so he didn't insist and dragged the heavy bags out of the house. Although the content of the bags were more than horrifying, Hiromi knew if he just acted normally, he would be able to get the bags in the car and easily dump them at the warehouse. Unfortunately, a certain housewife appeared out of the night.

"Hey there" One of the women who were in his house this morning, jogged to him "Let me help you with that" Himori didn't even get a word in that the woman grabbed one of the bags and dragged it to his car, whose trunk was already open, and placed it carefully inside.

"Thank you" Hiromi, still in awe, muttered to the night jogger who smiled.

"You're welcome" She winked and ran off into the night.

Hiromi Higuruma thought he had seen it all, but this was something else. The suburbs had definitely jumped up into his top 3 best places to live and he was already dreading the day he would have to leave.

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