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『Free birth control』

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Free birth control

There was a certain look parents of well behaved children would give to parents of not so well behaved children and luckily, Zaria Botha was part of the ones giving out pity looks to her struggling counterparts. To Zaria and almost everyone that met her daughter, Leila was truly the "perfect" child, she always brought home straight As, she was polite and kind to those around her and she was her mother's forever best friend. Although her father wasn't present in her life at all, Zaria would like to believe that her daughter had turned out perfectly fine without his trifling self.

"Mom, Imma go get some ice cream" Leila said to her mother who was hesitating between two different brands of window cleaner. After receiving a hum from her mother, the teen made her way to the frozen foods aisle.

Zaria finally settled on one brand, carefully placed the bottle in her cart and began aimlessly pushing her cart through different aisles until she landed in the candy aisle where she spotted her favorite type of haribos which were out of stock for months but were finally back on the shelves. As she reached her arm out to grab a pack, her hand ended on top of an other.

"Oh, sorry" she moved her hand to grab an other pack, not bothering to look at the person.

"Miss Botha" The woman's head snapped up to the person, she immediately recognized him as one of the new neighbors that had just moved in.

"Oh, Mr.Nanami" She smiled at the blond man who wore a stern look on his face "I didn't think you'd have a sweet tooth" she joked. He really looked like the type of person to absolutely hate sugary stuff and she was right to think so.


"It's for me" A young black haired boy popped out of seemingly nowhere. He looked about the same age as Leila.

"Oh, is this your son ?" Zaria questioned. The boy didn't even remotely look like Kento but Leila wasn't the spitting image of her mother either so it didn't hurt to ask.

"No, this is actually Toji's son, Megumi" Nanami looked down at the boy, knowing damn well he had practically raised that child by himself whilst his father was god knows where.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you" Zaria smiled at the boy who looked like he didn't even want to be here, a cold and stoic look on his young face, accompanied with worryingly big eye bags.

"Mom, I couldn't decide between chocolate chip dough and fudge brownie so I just got both" Leila approached her mother with one ice cream pint in each hand, not even acknowledging the people her mother was conversing with. But when her attention shifted to them, they were staring at her like she was an alien or something.

"Do I have something on my face ?" The poor girl asked, whipping whatever could be on her face with her cold hands.

"Uhm, is that your natural hair color ?" Megumi asked the panicked girl who rapidly nodded, now phone in hand and camera out to check if there wasn't anything weird on her face "And the eyes..."

"She got her hair and eyes from her father" Zaria answered. She was used to it by now, naturally white hair, styled in short locks, and such bright blue eyes weren't that common, especially on a young black girl such as Leila "I know it's rare, but you two look seriously horrified" Zaria raised an eyebrow as Kento and Megumi looked like they had just seen a ghost.

"Suits her so well" The blond man cleared his throat "We have everything we need so we're going to head back home" and with the blink of an eye they were gone.

"That was weird" Leila gave a look to her mother who could only agree by nodding her head.

But, the mother and daughter didn't pay much mind to the encounter, and finished their grocery shopping before heading home themselves. When they got back to the street, they saw that Andres was back, his bright red mustang could never go unnoticed parked in his driveway.

"Wonder what he brought her this time" Leila giggled, taking out the groceries from the car.

"We can only expect the unexpected" Zaria joked causing her daughter and herself to burst out laughing in the middle of the driveway.

"What's got y'all cackling like that ?" An intrigued Brooklyn approached the girls who simply pointed to the direction of Munya's house "Oh, she's 'bout to be flexing on us" She slowly shook her head, a soft smile on her face.

"I'm gonna drop these inside" Leila announced, walking into the house and leaving the two moms alone.

"I had the weirdest encounter with one of the new neighbors today" What happened at the grocery store instantly popped back up in Zaria's head when she looked over at the house right across hers.

"Which one ?" Brooklyn questioned.

"The blond one, Kento, him and his son-well Toji's son were so-"

"Wait, Toji has a son ?" Zaria was cut off by a surprised Brooklyn.

"Yeah, he looks exactly like him too, but anyways, they were so shocked when they saw Leila"

"Well, they ain't a lot of kids that look like her" Brooklyn tried to reason but Zaria wasn't having it.

"Brook, they deadass looked mortified" She insisted which had her friend perplexed, Brooklyn wasn't there so she couldn't fully imagine what they looked like but she also knew that Zaria wasn't the exaggerating type either. She only shrugged when she couldn't find any possible explanation "I guess it's not-"

Zaria wasn't able to finish her sentence as the loud slamming of a door resonated in her ears. The two women looked over at the direction the harsh noise came from and all they could see was Toji's son stomping down the steps of the house and running off into the street looking like he was ready to kill somebody. They stared at the house for a couple of seconds before the door swung opened again and their new blond neighbor walked out, looking left and right before his eyes set on the two women across the street.

"Where did he go ?!" His deep voice boomed into their already damaged ears, at this rate they were gonna go deaf, and it's as if their hands had taken a mind of their own, immediately pointing to where the boy ran off to. The man didn't outer another word, sprinting down the street to catch Megumi.

The street went silent again as the two women exchanged a glance that meant "what the hell just happened" before the abused door opened again, thank god this time it was gentle.

"Crazy folks huh" Toji stepped out and shook his head at the women who were wondering why was he laughing right now. Zaria could only stare at him in disbelief because pity couldn't fit this scenario.

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