𝟶𝟾║Breathe, Breathe!

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"AAAHH!!!" deep voiced pierced past the room, with Piyush grasping the towel, hovering over his chest, crossing his two arms

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"AAAHH!!!" deep voiced pierced past the room, with Piyush grasping the towel, hovering over his chest, crossing his two arms.

- Still such a drama he is!

Wait, why am I wincing, She should have been?-

- The same amber, honey hit by sun seasoned eyes

Still the same, Dusk-dawn embracing blame-

-The same sun-drenched vale-d dimples, deliquesced to honey dipped crescent

The same glaciered deepening dimples-

- The same crinkled eyes

The same visage full of Ciùineas-

- Contrast of that piercing on his lips

Contrast of that mysteriarch, cozening smile-

-So, The Piyush Rathore

Sagufta, that's Sagufta, Yes damn it, that's Sagufta-

The medium froze, as they synchronised. The ashes of whilom hazed ashening the colour as the decades catastrophe like the poet's ink on pages, rupturing.

"You came?"

"You called" Piyush murmured, outstretching his hands for an embrace.

"AKSHAT..!!" Sagufta scampered past Piyush softly embracing Akshat accompanied by Ruhi, leaving Piyush grimace pulling in both arms.

"How are you both ? I mean look at you Ruhi, Fully fledged gentlewoman, ahuh!!" Sagufta exclaimed ruffling Ruhi's hair.

Sagufta, on the spur of movement, grasped Akshat's wrist gently "Did they heal?"

"It's already 13 years Sagufta" Akshat said wryly.

"The scars still persist though" Sagufta said tracing over the iron rod burns on Akshat's wrist.

"Come on, get past it, it's been more than a decade-"

"Could you ?" Sagufta eyed him with a piercing gaze. "Still the same" Akshat scoffed, murmuring under his breath.

"Di, I got you a whole big bouquet and that poem...." Ruhi twadled , pivoting Sagufta's heed on herself.

"Ok, ok.. spruce up, freshen up, then all ears and yours, " Sagufta squeezing Ruhi's cheeks said.

"Ok then I will leave-"

"Hi...Um-Umm how are you?" Piyush intercepted, rubbing his nape with anxiety and fear.

"Sorry, Umm but may I know, who- oh wait wait is that Dr. Piyush Rathore?!"

"Sagufta I-"

"What are you here for now?" Sagufta said looking away.

"Sagufta I didn't mean-"

"Is it? But guess what, You did mean Piyush Rathore, YOU. DID. MEAN. Each and everything. Even after being perceived by everything. You left, or shall I say 'abandoned'? And what about that promise now? It was just the day before our results. You sweared to be there. With me but you left." Sagufta vented out, dolent as Piyush with head hung low stood still.

"Over it that abrupt call, three hours heretofore was apparent that you could have reached out to me. And Just a letter, why?!! Wasn't I worth even a goodbye Piyush?!" Sagufta throbbed, breath thudding high.

"You could have if you wanted" Sagufta seethed, her voice dripping with rage, bruised.

"+91 code doesn't work there" Piyush said meekly.

"Is it? Mails didn't work either I guess, like it didn't work for Ruhi and Akshat, right?" Sagufta jeered mordaciously.

Piyush eyed both, with disbelief and cozened making them mutter apologies.

"We were about to inform you that."

"..And that letter-" Sagufta snapped taking him out of the conversation of eyes speaking volume.

"Sagufta I just didn't want to hurt you by-"

" You did. You hurt me a lot more than you could have then, with a goodbye" Sagufta heckled with gentle anthracinus, dern.

"You'll pay for this" Sagufta took a step closer to Piyush.

"With anything, darling. I'm all yours" Piyush leered sly moving a step further.

"Besides, you being here? were you perhaps...wanted..to..see me shirtless-" Piyush smirked slowly sliding down the towel on his shoulder.

"Who said that?" Sagufta panicked at Piyush's sudden query.

"Oh, that means you really wanted to see me, Umm-" Piyush, grinned with mischief evident in his eyes, moving a bit closer.

"Excuse me, Hold on, hold on. For your kind briefing, this room is mine and if you have eyes to see, right there is my suitcase lying vivid," Sagufta pointed towards the bag lying by the wardrobe, holding back the towel on his shoulders.

"I do have, but they seem to be tucked away as oceans in your hair."

"You are pathetically delusional-"

"..And yours" Piyush leaned down from his 6'2 to her 5'6, closer, making warmth claw up to her cheeks, the nerves thudding.

The astered silhouette of Sagufta, walked fading out, letting the medium turn lygophilic yet again. As Ruhi moused out, savvied of the repercussions.

Piyush released a deep sigh, glunching draggers at Akshat who was smiling meekly.

"Bhai, tu konsa brand ka tooth paste khata hai? Mujhe bhi bata de" Piyush snarled seething, clenching Akshat's jaw.

Akshat pushed Piyush ready to defend, but was pulled back to a hug. Piyush's eyes whelving up with tears followed by gentle sobs.

"Abe, tu ro kyu Raha hai?!! Don't tell me cause she's raged up" Akshat strengthening the hug.

"That's Sagufta, Akshat. Th-The same Sagufta. A decennium back. Still the same, Those sa-same ignicolist eyes-"

"Konsa logist.?!"

"Ignicolist, idiot, means fire like." Piyush burning holes with a gaze seethed.

"Oh ok ok, continue."

"These years away from her, I felt like I had been adrifted in the mare bu- but now Akshat, now I feel being exposed to maniand"

"Kiski behen..?!!"

"Huh! Idiot, You know what? Go to hell!!" Piyush, moved to leave.

"Acha ok ok, let's keep the brothers and sisters aside-"

Piyush eyed Akshat again, this time pinning bullets.

"Ok We can keep the brothers and sisters with us too, if you want. But Was this the reason of you, bawling Niagara?" Akshat pivoting Piyush back to himself said.

"Hey bhagwan, tum aashiqon ki bimari!!" Akshat facepalmed to Piyush's gentle nods.

"I finally feel like gasping, Akshat."

"Then Now, Breathe Piyush, And let me too!"


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