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Max was in bed recovering after her wild celebrations. She had a headache and had just been woken by Rob mowing the front lawn. Max stumbles downstairs for some headache tablets and a drink of water. Ironically, now Max was awake, the mowing stopped. Into the Kitchen walked Rob also after a drink of water.

"Wow, you look rough! Good night?" Enquired Rob

"Yeah, kind of, from what I can remember," said Max in a delicate voice

"Those nights are always the worst-something will turn up that you forgot about!" laughed Rob.

"You should hear about your results today. Is it an e-mail or a phone call?" Asked Rob.

"I think it's a phone call...I'm going back to bed."Mumbled Max.

"It's ten-thirty!" Said Rob, tapping his watch.

Max began to feel more human as time flew by, but there was no phone call. It was nearly five o'clock, and the office support side of the department must be due to finish for the day. Max was a little disappointed that she hadn't heard anything.

"How many were on the fitness test? They probably have one person to do all the calls and deal with queries," Pam said, trying to reassure Max.

The phone rang. Everyone froze and looked at each other.

"Someone answer it before it goes to answer!"Yelled Rob

Max seemed apprehensive, afraid of the outcome if it was the call. Pam got to the phone, but it rang off.

"Shit!" Exclaimed Rob

"You were the nearest to the phone!" Pam was pointing to add to the point she was making.

"It was Max's phone call, she should have answered, " said Rob

Pam glared at Rob.

Sensing that a ridiculous argument was about to start, Max walked over. She picked up the phone and used the ring-back option. The phone rang, and someone answered.


"Yep, what can I do for you?"Their reply unprofessional

"Oh, yeah, I just missed a call from this number," explained Max

"What is your name?" Asked the voice

"This is the police department?" asked Max, a little confused with the vague person at the other end of the phone.

"Yep. Recruitment services," said the voice on the other end of the phone.

There was a pause of silence.

"it's ok. I've found your information from the telephone number displayed. Maxine, yes, Maxine. You've passed. You start on the 30th of April. Is there anything else I can help you with?" Asked the voice

"No, thank you. Max put the phone down." She turned to Rob and Pam, sitting at the ends of their seats.

"I'm in shouted!" Max. They all embraced and danced around the room, full of joy.


"But Sarge, I don't need the hassle of a rookie," said Max.

"Remember Max, not so long ago, you were once a rookie," said the Sarge

"That's not the point."

"You'll grow to love him like a puppy", smiled the Sarge.

Max was now twenty-four. She had been in the department since she was twenty-one after training. The job had changed Max slightly. She seemed to have less patience than before, didn't suffer fools, and worked many extra shifts. Some cadets like Jen & Sarah had decided it was not for them and left the police. Lightning was still in, but the rumours were she would pursue something out of the police, army special forces, maybe. Max was trying to become a detective, but being short-staffed and working extra shifts, she never had the opportunity to participate in their operations.

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