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Chapter eight

"Watch out for the LaRusso's."

Having been told to go to meet up at a junkyard rather then the dojo, everyone was standing there, as Jackson's stood up on a car in front of them opening a banquet and drinking it "you've trained hard. You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?" he asked them "yes, sensei!" they all voiced "wrong!" Jackson's dad voiced, as he threw his can down at them, the beer splashed on some of them, as they all looked up from the can and back at him.

"Your best ain't shit! If you wanna win the all valley under eighteen karate tournament, you gotta give me better then your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst. Do you understand?" Jackson's dad asked them "yes, sensei!" everyone voiced "are you losers?" Jackson's dad then asked "no, sensei!" everyone voiced "are you nerds?" Jackson's dad asked "no, sensei!" they all voiced "are you sure?" Jackson's dad asked, and while everyone else said "no, sensei!" Jackson said "yes, sensei!" in which his dad looked at him and nodded.

Where after that they all were running through tires with Jackson in the lead, Miguel was behind him followed by Hawk "move those feet. Go! Go! Go!" Jackson's dad voiced, as the others were moving behind them "let's go, squirt. Good job, buddy." Jackson's dad told one of them. Although when Aisha was leading the charge, she fell over, causing a chain reaction as Jackson fell on her, Miguel fell on him, followed by Hawk "oh my goodness!" Jackson's dad voiced, as everyone else just piled on behind them, making Jackson's dad hold his arms out.

And that's not all they were doing as they also had different weapons in their hands "your enemies are all around you. Destroy them!" Jackson's dad voiced, as Jackson, Hawk and Miguel went off, the three were all smashing up a car that was in the junkyard. Jackson, Miguel and Hawk then held this giant piece of wood out of a window "three, two, one!" Jackson counted off as the three threw it down and it landed on the car below them, they all then dabbed each other up.

And that wasn't all as Jackson's dad put a plank over this giant dumpster full of glass, he walked across and now stood on the other side waiting for everyone else to follow him "go!" he voiced, as Jackson began to walk across it "attaboy! Come on, princess. Let's go, move that us." Jackson's dad told him, making Jackson scoff knowing he was just trying to get into his head to get him to fall of as he picked up the pace. And when he made it to the other side, Miguel then followed after then Hawk "there's nothing to fear except fear itself. That, and falling in sharp metal and broken glass, so don't do that!" Jackson's dad voiced, as Hawk slipped a little bit but then made it all the way across.

And then they are were standing in a line, as Jackson's dad was handing them jerky "you wanna win? You've gotta be hungry. You guys hungry?" he asked, as they all furrowed their brows at what he gave them "jerky? Why would he give us jerky?" Jackson asked, as Hawk ate his "I don't know. But it's delicious." he shared, as everyone else said "yes, sensei!" in which Jackson's dad bit his "good. Well, so are they." he told them, as Jackson's eyes went wide "they?" he asked, looking at his dad, who then blew a whistle, which none of them could hear, but they did hear the barking, as dogs came running their way "oh shit!" Aisha voiced, as she turned running everyone quickly dispersed.

"Don't be afraid they smell fear!" Jackson's dad voiced "yeah, no shit!" Jackson yelled, as he jumped onto a car, just in time before two dogs tried to attack him, he looked down at them, holding the jerky up "you want this, huh? Yeah, you mangy little beast!" he voiced, as he threw it "go get it!" he voiced, as the two dogs turned and ran for it.

The next day, Jackson was woken up by his dad and told him to get in the car, where his dad then took him to the dojo, where was the only one there as he was in his gi punching the dummy, his dad walked up to him "ok, ok! That's enough." he told him, as Jackson huffed, turning to him "save some for the tournament." his dad told him "speaking of the tournament, shouldn't everyone else be training besides me?" Jackson asked him "oh, come on! You know I'm the only chance I've got at winning this thing." his dad shared, as Jackson shrugged "well, I wasn't trying to flatter myself but if you say so." he told him, as he walked off toward's his stuff.

Run for the hills, Sam LarussoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang