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Chapter thirteen

"The snake in the grass." 

It was night time as Jackson was lounging on the living room couch, he was on instagram and looking at all his dm's that he had gotten from girls he had hardly knew and one's who didn't even go to his school, asking if he wanted to go on a date, or if he wanted to hangout sometime, and when he looked at their profiles, all of them were a complete no, where some even seemed like they wanted to just go out with him to annoy their dad or because he was the karate champion of the valley and from his past relationship that wasn't something he wanted.

As something was slammed down next to him on the living room table he jumped "what the hell?" he asked, looking at his dad "you kids said to get an apple, right? Well the guy at the store sold me a lemon, I mean this piece of shit won't even turn on." his dad shared, shoving Jackson's feet off the couch so he could sit down, Jackson raised his brows "and by store, you mean the pawn shop guy but I honestley don't know what they all expected the only reason I even have an apple is because my school believed kids all deserve the same education, blah, blah." he shared, opening the computer, he pressed the power button that was above the keyboard, as the screen began to turn on.

His dad furrowed his brows "how'd you do that?" he asked "do what open it or turn it on?" Jackson asked him, as his dad punched him in the arm "shut up, and keep showing me how this works you nerd." he told him "I'm not a nerd." Jackson said under his breath, as his dad took the computer from him, he began moving the arrow "move stupid arrow. Bullshit." he said, as Jackson watched him "well you found out where to go to shut it off, so that's a plus." he informed him "where the hell's the internet?" his dad asked, as his dad clicked everything, opening up a lot of tabs, Jackson chuckled, covering his mouth.

His dad turned to him "what's so funny?" he asked him "nothing." Jackson told him, as his dad threw the computer at him "fix it." he told him "well first you would need to connect to the wifi which thanks to me we have." Jackson shared "what's wifi?" his dad asked him, as Jackson shook his head, he connected them to their wifi, which Jackson had named himself "who the hell is pontiacfirebird67?" his dad asked "our wifi." Jackson told him, as he then moved the mouse to the internet and clicked on it for him "go nuts." he told him, handing him the computer.

He stood up and walked out of the living room "where you going?" his dad asked him, as Jackson didn't reply to him, he walked into his room and closed the door behind him, as he fell down on his bed, he had pulled his phone up again and continued scrolling through instagram but soon an ad came up "inner peace...focus...balance. These are just some of the skills you will master when you join miyagi do karate." Mr LaRusso said, as Jackson sat up in his bed "you've gotta be kidding me!" he voiced, not even wanting to hear the rest of it, as he got up and walked back out his room and into the kitchen "what's wrong now?" his dad asked him.

As Jackson threw his phone on the counter, he opened the fridge and pulled out some beers, he put them on the counter "Daniel LaRusso made a karate ad! That's what's wrong! Because everywhere I go, I can't get away from Sam, or her dad. And I thought karate would be enough to make it all go away but it's not." he shared, grabbing his phone and the beers, as he turned walking back to his room, and as his dad watched him disappear, all he heard was the sound of the door slamming.

The next day, everyone was in the dojo, as Jackson was punching the dummy in the face over and over and over, Aisha walked up to him "let me guess, you saw the commercial." she shared "saw five seconds of it. Making his own dojo. Trying to get at me and my dad." Jackson shared, punching the dummy "he says snake in the grass and I know he's talking about cobra kai but I feel like in a way he's talking about you personally." Aisha shared, as Jackson punched the dummy again.

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