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Chapter two

"It only takes a spark to light a fire."

Having driven his bike to the strip mall that the convenient store was at, Jackson took his helmet off and got off his bike, as Miguel road up on his bicycle on the sidewalk "hey." he told him, as Jackson chuckled "hey, man, now all you need is an engine and that thing will really get going." he told him, as Miguel chuckled "very funny." he told him as he took his helmet off "so where's your dad?" he asked him, as Jackson motioned with his head to the new store in the strip mall "inside." he told him, as the two began walking to the doors.

Having headed inside, the two changed their outfits into gym clothes as they came out, Jackson's dad was standing there in a karate gi as the two walked up and stood in front of him and at first everything was dead silent until Miguel spoke "so are we gonna get the karate pajamas too?" he asked "quiet!" Jackson's dad yelled, and while Miguel jumped, Jackson was so used to him yelling, he didn't even flinch "a student only speaks when he is spoken to, is that understood?" Jackson's dad asked "yes." Jackson and Miguel told him, as Jackson's dad then looked at them with raised brows.

"Yes, sir?" Miguel asked "yes, sergeant? I mean I don't really know either I just looked at a bunch of YouTube videos of you fighting. It's been a learn as you go process." Jackson shared "you will always address me as sensei is that understood?" Jackson's dad asked "yes, sensei." Miguel and Jackson told him "and these aren't pajamas, this is a gi. And you'll get one when you've earned it. Alright, are you ready to begin your training?" Jackson's dad asked "yeah, sensei." Miguel told him, and when he did, Jackson watched as his dad lunged forward, he quickly stepped out of the way as his dad grabbed Miguel and slammed him down onto the mat.

"Oh my god." Miguel groaned "yeah, that was not about to be me." Jackson shared, shaking his head "lesson number one. Strike first." Jackson's dad told them as he stood back up, Miguel struggled to get up "never wait for the enemy to attack." Jackson's dad added on "got it." Jackson told him "you could've given me like a warning.." Miguel told him "quiet!" Jackson's dad yelled, as Miguel finally stood back up "we do not train to be merciful here." Jackson's dad told them, as he began walking around them, Miguel pulled an inhaler out of his pocket and shook it, taking a hit from it "Mercy is for the weak. Here, on the street, in competition, a man confronts you, he is the enemy." Jackson's dad told them as he made it all the way back to the front of them.

"Dude, why didn't you say you have asthma?" Jackson asked Miguel "well, I didn't really think of it until he punched me..." Miguel was saying, as Jackson's dad stepped forward, grabbing Miguel's inhaler and throwing it across the room, where Jackson and Miguel watched it hit the wall and break "not anymore. We do not allow weakness in this dojo." Jackson's dad told them, as the two turned back to him "so you can take your asthma and your peanut allergies and all that other made up bullshit outside. Is that understood?" Jackson's dad asked.

"But dad, you can't just get rid of someone's asthma.." Jackson was telling him as his dad gave him a look "never mind." Jackson told him, as he cleared his throat "understood sensei." he and Miguel told him "cobra kai is not just about karate." he told them, as he turned to the wall they were facing and pointed to a message "it's about a way of life." he told them, as the wall read, strike first, strike hard, no mercy "take that first lesson." he told them, as he turned back to them "striking first is the initial step towards victory. Ok? Like when you're at a party and you see a hot babe." he told them "yeah." Miguel and Jackson told him.

"You don't wait for some other guy to go talk to her first, do you?" Jackson's dad asked, and when he did, Jackson furrowed his brows, as he thought of Sam LaRusso and how freshman year, he thought he was gonna go up and talk to her for the first time when he decided he was gonna ask her to go to homecoming, but then Kyler stepped in front of him and he decided to turn around and walk away, which essentially ended up with him bumping into Moon but at first it was mostly a business transaction rather then a relationship or if you could even call it a relationship "um..depends on who the hot babe is because in my experience not talking to one ended up bumping me into another so it was kind of a win, win situation." he shared.

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