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Chapter twelve

"When he moves, you all move."

Jackson was laying in bed as his alarm went off for the day, he huffed as he turned over hitting it, he got up out of bed and began to do some sit ups along with push ups on his knuckles and then he walked out of his room and as he made it to the kitchen, his dad tossed him a beer which he quickly caught and a slim Jim which he caught as well, as his dad nodded.

The two then headed out of the house and with their sunglasses on and their bags over their shoulders as Miguel came out of his house across the way doing the same, the three all walked together, where while Jackson's dad and Miguel got into his car that had gotten a new cobra kai paint job rather then being red, Jackson got onto his bike as he put his helmet on, he revved the engine as he began backing out of the parking spot, he turned driving off as his dad and Miguel followed behind him.

They soon made it a light and all three of them were jamming out to back and black by ACDC that was coming from his dad's car, where neither turned their heads as a car drove up next to them that had two girls in it, the girls turned looking at them even lifting up their sunglasses, where Miguel was the only one to turn and face them, making Jackson chuckle, as he looked up at the light that had turned green and sped off, leaving his dad and Miguel far behind him.

Making it to cobra kai, Jackson had changed into his gi, as he was sparring with Aisha as they were waiting for class to start "you know, you should probably call Sam. At least try to figure things out." she shared, as Jackson raised his brows "no. For the thousandth time no. I am not gonna chase somebody who I have to be somebody else to be with. I am who I am and for somebody in this world that's gonna have to be enough. Besides, I'm working on still trying to be the strongest cobra and I can't do that if I have an distractions." he shared, throwing a punch, making Aisha nod.

The two then parted ways as Miguel then walked up to him "hey, you okay? You've just seemed on edge lately." he shared, as Jackson shook his head "I don't know what you're talking about." he told him, as the two walked over to Hawk, Aisha and Bert, the door to the dojo opened as all four of them looked to it, and older gentleman had walked in "who's that?" Hawk asked, and when he did, Jackson had a blank expression on his face "someone who according to my information is supposed to be dead." he shared, recognizing the man as sensei Kreese, his dad's old sensei who whenever he talked about him and Jackson would ask about him, he only got one simple answer, you don't have to worry about him he's dead.

As Kreese walked further into the dojo, Jackson turned walking away from his friends and over to him and before he could even speak, Kreese huffed "jeez, you look just like your father when he was your age." he shared, as Jackson furrowed his brows, before he could say anything back, Kreese stepped around him and as Jackson turned to watch where he was going, he saw him walk up to his dad, scoffing, he turned walking off.

Standing in their spots on the mats, Jackson's dad walked up to them all "class, we have a visitor." he told them, as Kreese stood on the side "this is Mr Kreese. He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here. Mr Lawerence, warm them up." his dad told him, as he stepped back next to Kreese, Jackson stepped forward and turned facing all of them, he bowed as they bowed back to him "fighting positions!" Jackson voiced, as he got into position so did the others "front kick. Yah!" Jackson voiced, as they all kicked their foot out "forward strike. Yah!" Jackson voiced as they all threw a punch.

"Side.." Jackson was saying, as everyone dabbed, laughing, but Jackson didn't as he turned looking at his dad and Kreese, his dad seemed upset while Kreese seemed disappointed, Jackson then turned looking at everyone "you think this is funny!" he yelled, and when he did, all of his friends looked at him in shock "we were just messing around." Miguel told him, as Jackson raised his brows "messing around? We have eleven and a half months till the next all valley and you think this is time to what? Sit down? Relax? Give up?" he asked, as he stepped toward's them.

Run for the hills, Cobra KaiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat