1- The Babysitter Pt.1

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Marshall had been your friend for a while now. You had both grown up in the sketchy world of trailer parks, rap battles, and run-down 7/11s, so it was no wonder that the two of you had grown so close. The two of you had met when you were in your mid-teens-- he was two years older than you. You had been fourteen, and he was about sixteen. You loved Marshall...as a friend. Or at least that's what you hoped it was, as sometimes you felt a connection with him that went far past the lines of friendship. However, even being just friends with Marshall came with its cons-- the most notable being Kim. She had only  brought negativity and pessimism into his life, it seemed, as Marshall was perpetually stressed out around her. Kim was like a storm, whenever she was around, there was bound to be trouble. If a girl so much as looked the wrong way at Marshall, she would flip out, hurting everyone involved in the process. You didn't know exactly why she was so protective and possessive of Marshall, since all she seemed to do was make is life a sort of living hell. The only answer you could think of was that Marshall had a thing for terrible girls like her, yet you couldn't bring yourself to truly believe that. You felt like a star orbiting Marshall who was like the moon. You were bright, yet Kim always seemed to drown you out.

The only good thing Kim had ever done was make Hailey, and that was with the help of Marshall, obviously. Interestingly enough, you and Hailey were close. Since you were Marshall's only real trustworthy female friend, he often asked you to take care of his daughter. Times were tough, so of course you accepted, and besides, you liked doing favors for Marshall. Or maybe you liked the small amount of attention he would give you. You liked being around him. But as time went on, Hailey began to grow quite attached to you, and you to her. Marshall could tell, so he brought you around more and more often. You hadn't yet thought about having kids, but the more time you spent with Hailey, the more time you wished she were your own. (Not in a weird way....!) Marshall had once told you that one of the reasons why he wanted you specifically to look after her was because he wanted Hailey to have a positive feminine figure in her life. He didn't want her to grow up with Kim's ideals, and to think that she had to follow her mother's footsteps. So, whenever you were around Marshall's daughter, you always tried to set the best example you could. And it seemed to be working, because Hailey was growing up to be a wonderful girl.

You had just gotten home from work, so you were lounging around your trailer house by yourself. You had finished all the work you needed to do for the day, so you were feeling kind of bored. That's when your pink Motorola Razr phone started buzzing.

incoming call- Marshall

You opened up your phone, eagerly accepting his call.


"Yo, Y/N...I was wonderin if you could do me a favor?" He asked, desperation trying to seep it's way into his voice.

"Does it have to do with Hailey? Because you know I'll say yes."

"Yea, but this time I was wonderin if you would stay wit her overnight? I got somewhere to be so I won't be home till like two or three, and Kim will kill me if she finds out Hailey was alone." His voice was tentative, as he had never asked you to stay overnight before. You had work the next day, but you were closing, so you had no where to be for most of the next day.

"Yeah, that's cool. Your place or mine?" All you wanted to do was help your friend.

"You can use mine..." It seemed as though he Marshall wanted to say something, but was holding back.

"What's up?" You asked, testing the waters. You and Marshall were very open, and you told him pretty much anything and everything that was going on in your life. So, you wondered why he was hesitating now. He knew he could trust you, right?

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