"Yeah, now help we get it off my ankle it's got a good grip and it's starting to hurt" you say,Minho kneels down beside you and try's to pry it open but it doesn't budge.

"It's not working" he says through gritted teeth as he uses most of his strength to pull it apart "I thought you were meant to be the strongest in the glade" you say chuckling then you scream as he lets go of the rubber claw cause it crushes your ankle as it's goes even tighter.

By this time Clint has got his clothes on and is also kneeling beside you "Minho bring her to the med-jack hut" he says Minho picks you up and Clint gets your clothes and you walk to the med-jack hut.

Minho places you on the bed next to newt's and Clint walks in with Alby right behind him he looks like he was just woken up, to be fair he probably had just been woken up.

Alby walks over and touches the rubber claw and it tightens even more you scream again and start to cry he looks up at you "sorry y/n I don't know it would tighten" he says you just smile and nod cause the pain is to much now.

Newt had woken up at your scream and sees you laying on the bed crying "what happend to y/n" he asks.

"We were swimming and this thing grabbed her ankle and pulled her to the bottom we broke the metal but that was attached and we tried to get the rubber claw thing off her ankle and it keeps tightening when ever we touch it" Clint explains.

He nods then looks at you concerned and holds your hand, no one dares touch to touch the claw after what happened.

Clint doesn't even know what to do so they tell you to try get some sleep and they'll talk about it tomorrow, you nod and lay down on the bed as they all walk out of the room and newt just lays in his bed looking over at you.

You turn to look at newt and he smiles you smile back but he can tell it's not real "you're going to be okay, we will find a way to help you" he says. "I hope so, cause it hurts a lot" you say with another tear running down the side of your face.

He smiles and reaches for your hand you let him take it and he kisses it you smile at the sweet gesture and he laughs "what so funny" you ask, "it's just your still not wearing your clothes, I thought you would have realised by now" he says "oh shit Alby seen me and Minho and you and Clint, this is so embarrassing" you say as you blush and look around the room.

"There on the chair beside you" newt says, you turn to your left and see them, "thanks" you say as you reach for your clothes. you put your top on but don't bother with trying to put on your jeans on as it will just make the claw tighter and it's tight enough.

Then you fall asleep trying not to think about your ankle even though it hurts like hell.

You wake up and scream in pain because the claw tightens around your ankle you look to see who touched it but no one is there and it tightens again causing you to scream louder.

A few minutes pass and your a screaming crying mess as the claw keeps loosening slightly before tightening again and Newt woke up and Alby Clint Jeff and Minho have gathered in the room no one wants to touch you or do anything in case it makes it worse.

The claw keeps doing this for about two hours and you haven't stoped crying but the screaming stoped after about 30 minutes.

Once the claw stoped it let go completely and Minho took the chance to sweep it onto the floor before it could close again.

You sigh in relief and thank Minho then Alby walks back in after eating and tells Minho to go back to work since you'll be okay now he also leaves to go get Clint and Jeff who left to get breakfast and newt just smiles.

"You'll be okay now y/n you might have a limp like newt though" Clint says after examining and wrapping your ankle "well that's better than no foot" you chuckle "also could you get Chuck I haven't seen him since Newt woke up from the anaesthetic drug" you ask "sure thing y/n" he says as he walks out of the room.

A few minutes later Chuck walks in "y/n!" He yells as he jumps up and down and runs around "whoa, Chuck calm down" you say laughing "sorry y/n it's just I'm so happy your okay everyone heard you screaming and I asked to see you but Alby said no but your okay now and I'm so happy!" he says as he hugs you.

"Aww thanks Chuck" you say "y/n I love you not in a creepy way but like a sister I love you that way" he says while hugging you tighter, "I love you that way too Chuck" you say giggling at the end.

"Do you want anything to eat I know you can't walk for a while" chuck asks "please that would be great Chuck" you say releasing him from the hug, "newt do you want something to eat as well" he asks "please buddy if you don't mind" newt replies. "Okay, I'll be right back" he says then he walks out of the room.

"Your bothers nice" newt says smirking "eavesdropper" you say chucking "you weren't exactly hiding he conversation I was right here it's not like I could have left" he says laughing "it's not like I could have left ethier you know" you say joining in with laughing.

"I got food" chuck says walking in, "here you go" he says handing you and newt trays with bacon, scrambled eggs, a roll and some water.

"Thanks Chuck" newt says "yeah thanks chuckie" you say while messaging up his hair.

"It's okay also Alby wants to speak to you, I'm going to go get him for you now" Chuck says while waving and walking out the room.

About half an hour later Alby walks in with Clint, Clint has a look of guilt on his face.

"Y/n Newt, Clint has offered to watch over you both and help you with whatever you need" Alby says before he waves bye and exits the med-jacks hut.

A few minutes pass and you Newt and Clint sit in silence the Clint breaks it, "Y/n I just wanted to say sorry if I never jumped in the lake without telling this would have never happened to you I'm sorry" he says then he looks down.

"Clint it's okay it doesn't hurt anymore and it will be fine like you said" you say smiling, Clint lifts his head "I know but you will still have a limp and I feel horrible about it and I'll never be able to forgive myself, especially if you can't run after this" he says.

"Clint I forgive you I don't blame you for what happened plus once we get out of here they might be able to do surgery to fix it, and a limp won't stop me from running" you say.

"You sure you can forgive me I wouldn't forgive myself" he says while fiddling with this thumbs.

"Of course Clint, now come here" you say with a bid smile, he walks over and you wrap your hands around him and hug him tightly and he hugs you back.

The gladers 😘حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن