You didn't want the kiss to end but you also just wanted to cuddle newt, you got off newt and lay next to him again resting your head on his chest he played with your hair for a while you just sat there in silence enjoying the moment then you fell asleep.

Newts pov:

Y/n fell asleep while I was playing with her hair, she looks so cute while she sleeps so peaceful it almost makes me forget where we are and how horrible this place is, and why I tried to kill myself.

I knew I couldn't tell her the reason I tried to die that would be something that I couldn't tell anyone, everyone would hate me they might even banish me if they found out which lead to all the pressure getting to much after hiding it from everyone all these years I just wanted to die to release the pressure.

✨~ flash back ~✨

"I will kill you newt, if it's the last thing I do" Nick said "everyone will find out what you did and why you killed her" he continued.

"Nick no it's not right, you would be just like him" Kyle said "yeah" a few other gladers agreed.

"Do you why he killed Brianna, do you. DO YOU." Nick screamed, a few of the gladers stepped back in fear. "It's all because she was a girl in love and because she chose me he couldn't handle it he needed her all to himself, just because she flirted with him THEN CHOSE ME" his voice growing louder.

I threw a knife at Nick and it hit him in the head then I threw more knifes around them all hitting other gladers until all of them were lying dead with knifes in there head or hearts.

I knew it was wrong but I didn't have a choice the new greenie was coming up tomorrow, if I wanted a fresh start it was now or never I knew my jealousy got the better of me multiple times but when I killed Brianna it was too much I took all the knifes out the bodies and made a big pile to then light it.

As the flames burned on I put all 10 knives back in the weaponry and then prepared my self to pretend to be a greenie tomorrow.

The next morning came and I heard the alarm I walked over to the box opened the lid and saw the supplies and the new greenie knocked out of the floor so I went down and lay beside him and pretended to be unconscious just like him.

✨~ end of flash back ~

Your pov:

I woke up to tear drops landing on my head they were coming from Newt, once he saw I was awake he apologised and hugged me tightly "are you okay" I asked as I hugged him back "I'll be fine, it's okay" he said softly then he kissed my fore head.

I looked at my watch and seen it was 17:12, "why did you let me sleep all day" you asked, "cause your cute when you sleep and it looked like you needed it even though you slept last night" he said "well thanks but I'm going to get us dinner before it's to late and fry's already cleaned up" you say then you kiss his cheek and walk off to the homestead.

When you come back with food you only have one trey cause that's all that there was left, you and newt argue about who eats what.

"newt you need it your injured"

"yeah but at least half it with me"

"no I'm not hungry"

"Y/n you need to eat"

"I told you I'm not hungry"

"Y/n you can't starve yourself"

"I'm not starving myself if I'm not hungry"

"I'll have just over half and you can have the rest okay"


"Thanks I wasn't going to let you go hungry"

"I'm only agreeing cause I don't want to argue about this and your injured"

"Well at least your eating" he says and kisses your cheek. He eats his then hands the trey over to you. Then you eat your portion.

"Okay I'll be right back I'm just going to drop this off with fry" you say "okay be quick I'm tired" he shouts after you.

Once your back you snuggle into newt and you let him fall asleep but you can't sleep after sleeping most of the day.

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