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to wake up and get ready- to know your next moves at all times, to brushing your teeth or combing through the tangles from last night's affairs- routines are common and needed with humans, but the bad part about such a trait is the downfall of it all if you break it.

she broke that streak two days ago, waking up at three am- she had to shut off the loud timer and wake up the grumpy, groggy girls beside her. they packed up their little belongings and went out of the door with haste.

the alarm alerting the door went off and when her mother called for the culprit- she said she was grabbing a cold drink, she could tell by her mothers voice she was going to be back asleep in seconds- so she used that to her advantage, sneaking the girls out the door without detection.

the walk was filled with groans, their headaches forming from the gassy air and the resting liquor on their tongues. as the second oldest she felt it was right to tell them off, warning the girls about their behavior and how they almost got her caught the night before. only nodding- she knew they weren't paying attention, how could they when their heads already punished them enough.

mina's house was a little walk away, well it was about a ten-minute walk, but for her that was easy. she walked for twenty when her and tobio had to be at school early. she enjoyed the cold breeze- unlike the girls she got ready for the day and handed off little jackets for support, she peppered herself in a vest and coat- ready for the surprisingly cold weather in july.

with protest and snarls, she got mina to her home safety, her and camila helped her to bed, tucking her in with the last bit of sanity they had before going back down the stairs quickly- quietly as possible.

toying with her keys, she flicked on her heat and turned the fan down. waiting for her car to heat up while camila got comfortable in the front seat. " lay the seat back. "

" m'right, " she did not in fact lay the seat back, her exhaustion passed by that rule and drifted her body back into slumber. with another ten-minute drive- she viewed the changes in scenery when she entered the high-class area. trees were planted voluntarily; lamp posts were on and bouncing off her car. snores were loud and distracting.

getting camila in her house- up her stairs and in bed was the hassle of a lifetime. her house was echoey, she felt engaged almost. the stairs rattled when she steadied herself on the bar and she prayed for a better way to get the girl up the stairs. her prayers were answered when camila finally stopped making too much noise and let her make it up the stairs alive.

" good night cammie. " she muttered, tucking her hair behind her ear. camila was sleep in seconds and she traveled down the stairs with ease.

after that, it was simple- she couldn't sleep, there for breaking her wonderful pattern. she was up for school and energized, taking a shower once she returned home and she used her free time to get ready, not having to share a space was something she could get used too.

she hadn't heard from oikawa in two days, the last time he texted her was a day after camila's party. it was a simple text- just him saying she was a master manipulator and he hated it. a part of her wished he would text her, not only for her excitement but she would do anything to stop the pounding in her chest when she thought of him.

the next best thing was the group chat- if he didn't want to text her, she could text the others and get his attention. it was stupid and so selfish, yet she clocked the pinging in her heart as likeness early on. she couldn't crave his attention for too long.

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