why do i fuck up everything?

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louis pov

when i wake up, im confused, where am i? then it hits me. harry knows. fuck. its dark so it must be pretty late,

shit i havent told mum, shell be worried sick. fuck

i get out my phone and try to turn it on. battery is dead "FUCK" i yell. why is life so shit? why cant i have one good day.

i scramble up and stretch my arms. god im so stiff from lying on the hard, cold concrete floor.

i slowly walk home. i dont think about anything other than how im so stupid and that harry must hate me.

im so stupid.

as i approach my house, i see lights on downstairs and through the window,  i see mum in dad's arms, she looks like shes crying. just seeing her like that makes fresh tears roll down my cheeks. i decide i cant go inside. they'll hate me. i just collapse outside the front door. then everything goes black.

"OH MY GOD!! MARK!!! I NEED HELP" a familiar voice yells. who is it? oh its mum.

"oh my god" a very painful voice says. its harry. wait why is he at my house? whats happended? something happened and im confused. i slowly try opening my eyes but it hurts too much.

suddenly i feel that im being lifted up. "its okay, harry, you can sleep in his room, i'll put him on the sofa for the night. jay, you go to bed, i'll wake you up if anything happens okay?" dad says.

i hear them both leave. as soon as im sure theyre both gone and mark has placed me on the sofa, i put my arms around his neck and bury my face into his shoulder and cry and cry.

"im sorry" i repeat over and over again.

i soon fall asleep.

today has been shit.

the next day...

"hey louis? im not sure if you can hear me, but i want to hear whatever you were going to say yesterday. i wasnt going to hate you, i never could, not even if i try. your my best friend. i miss you" it was harry. i turn onto my side facing the back of the sofa so he cant see my face and i cry.

im not going to school today.

or tomorrow.

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