Chapter eight: No more video games and pudding

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"We're going broke." Sunghoon sighed, examining the papers on the table, drinking beer with tired eyes.

"I busted our bank account buying that stuff for daycare and his room." The hitman whined.

"Go! Go!" Jungwon shouted at the huge TV, playing Mario Kart with Jay meanwhile Sunghoon was having a crisis.

"Why are we going broke?" Sunghoon thought to himself.

"We'll have to cut back on our spending." He said, holding the beer can in his hand as he went over to Jay, who was busy with something else.

"Why not buy cheaper beer then?" The assassin asked, he didn't care about whatever his partner was worrying about, he was too focused on the game at the moment.

"I already am!" Sunghoon huffed, looking at the can in his hand "You won't be able to buy new games at this rate." He said, sitting next to Jay on the rug. He laughed when Jay shot him a death stare.

"Yahoo!" Jungwon yelled, jumping around when he won the game after Jay got distracted when Sunghoon talked to him.

Jungwon's smile didn't last long when Sunghoon mentioned that they won't be able to have pudding for dessert either.

"We'll be ruined at this rate!" Sunghoon frowned, looking at his partner, wondering if he had a solution.

Jay grumbled, closing the game and standing up, heading towards the door.

"Let's go." He said, tying his hair, some black strains falling on his forehead. Sunghoon's eyes followed Jay's hand to the door knob.

"Where are you going?" Sunghoon asked, standing up from the ground, putting the empty beer can on the table.

"It's about time we visited Heeseung hyung, don't you think so Sunghoon?" Jay said, crossing his arms.

Why didn't Sunghoon think about that before? 

He quickly ran towards the door, wearing his jacket and carryingJungwon in his arms.


"And so, Heeseung hyung... I'm begging you! Send some work our way!" Sunghoon bowed, biting his lips, waiting patiently for Heeseung to say something.

"We will do anything!" He added, looking at the older with hopeful eyes.

Sunghoon looked next to him, seeing that Jay didn't bother to listen to him, which made Sunghoon grew annoyed at the assassin.

"Jay-ah! You get in on this!" Sunghoon said, lowering Jay's head and making him do a small bow gesture.

"So you're ready to get back in the game?" Heeseung asked, putting the glasses aside that he was cleaning, making Jay perk up while Sunghoon nodded his head.

Heeseung nodded as well and put three files on the table, pushing them towards Sunghoon. "Target background checks and location scouting jobs." He said.

"You should start with small jobs to get back in the swing of things."

"All this?" Sunghoon asked, taking the files.

Jay finished his drink, now staring at the blond.

"Great. Well take everything! Gotta make up for all that time off! Right?" He turned to Jay with a small grin, his eyes meeting Jay's pitch black ones.

Sunghoon gulped and nervously removed his eyes from Jay's, he still couldn't keep eye contact with him after many years which made the assassin smirk for a moment.

Jay nodded, taking his eyes off of Sunghoon as his gaze found Heeseung when the bartender started to speak again. "You have one week." He said, adjusting his glasses.

"Leave it to us, Heeseung hyung!" Sunghoon smiled "C'mon, we're doing this!" He stood up and picked his partner up by his hood and dragged him to the exit of the bar.


"Okay, I'll handle this background check. You do the scouting for this one." Sunghoon said, waiting for Jay to agree on his plan.

"Isn't this stuff your job?" Jay rolled his eyes, pointing at the plan Sunghoon came up with.

"Shut up! Beggars can't be choosers!" Sunghoon argued "Let's just get it done and-" he got cut off by the ring of his phone.

"Huh? It's from the daycare." Sunghoon said, confused.

"Why would they call me? Did something happen to Jungwon?!" Sunghoon gasped, starting to panic.

"Maybe he got kidnapped by someone." Jay theorised, leaning back on the chair, making Sunghoon shiver even at the thought of it.

"Jay! Stop saying things like that." The hit man yelled, hitting Jay on the shoulder. "Ow!"

"I'm sure it's nothing." Sunghoon tried to calm himself down while Jay looked with a weird expression on his face.

Sunghoon picked up the phone "Hello?"

"Hello, this is Jisoo from the Decelis Daycare." The woman said.

"Yes?" Sunghoon said, wanting the other to continue.

"The truth is, Giraffe class is going to have to stay home for the next few days..." She explained.

"What? Wh-What?!" Sunghoon stuttered, making Jay look at him with a raised eyebrow.


"Jungwon, your papas are here to get you!" Jake announced, holding Jungwon's tiny hand.

The couple stood in the room where the kids kept their things in small lockers, a paper in Sunghoon's hands which was with the information about the upcoming few days.

"Papa!" Jungwon said, clinging onto Sunghoon's leg, hugging him.

"Hi sweetie." Sunghoon smiled, hugging Jungwon back, meanwhile Jay was waiting for them in the exit.

"And what about the jobs? There's no way we can complete them with the kid in our way." Jay said, walking beside Sunghoon with his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"You're asking me?" Sunghoon sighed, dragging the bike with him along. "One of us has to stay home and watch Jungwon, right?" Sunghoon frowned, "This is so bad.."

"Papa I wanna go to the park!" Jungwon chanted, looking at Sunghoon with sparkling eyes. As much as the blond wanted to say yes, he couldn't.

"Sorry baby, but it's not happening, we've got our jobs to take care of." He said, hoping that Jungwon would understand.

"Jobs? What kind of jobs?" The boy asked again.

"We-" Jay was about to speak up but Sunghoon stopped him, putting his palm over Jays mouth.

"Ummm... G-Grown-up stuff! Never you mind!" He stuttered, Jungwon shouldn't know about their dangerous jobs, he knew that Jay would tell him without hesitation.

Jay pushed Sunghoon's hand from his mouth, receiving a quiet apology from Sunghoon.

"But it's my homework. They said that we gotta ask our dads about their jobs." Jungwon said, "Then we gotta tell everyone about it!" He smiled, throwing his hands in the air.

"Our... jobs?"

"Tell... everyone?"

Jay and Sunghoon looked at each other, they clearly didn't expect anything like that.

"You got jobs at a company?" Jungwon asked.


"A store?"


"But what jobs do you do?" Jungwon tilted his head, confused.

Sunghoon looked at Jay, who started to walk away, wanting to ignore the situation. Jungwon ran up to Jay when he saw, standing in front of the man, not letting him leave. An exhausted expression was on Jay's face.

"Where are you going? Is it your job?!" Jungwon asked, hoping to get an answer off of Jay.

"No." Jay bawled, turning to the direction of Sunghoon, Jungwon held onto Jay from the olders leg, making Jay drag him along as he walked past the hitman.

"What are we gonna do?!" Sunghoon cried out loud, smacking his head with his hand as he followed the assassin.


At the apartment, Jungwon was tucked in his bed, sleeping peacefully as he hugged his teddy bear.

Meanwhile, Sunghoon was in the kitchen, working on his laptop with tired eyes.

"This is my second... no, my third straight all-nighter." He said, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm back." Sunghoon turned his head to the door, seeing Jay lock the door and take off his shoes with the camera in his hand.

"Welcome back Jay-ah." Sunghoon yawned, his attention on the laptop again.

"I took the pictures you asked for." Jay said, putting the camera on the table near Sunghoon, he stood next to the hitman. Jay looked at the screen of the blond's laptop, seeing how tired and done Sunghoon was from the reflection.

"Sunghoon go to sleep, it's late already." He whispered, looking at Sunghoon's eyes which were fighting to keep themselves open.

"But there's no way to work during the day while we're taking care of a kid." Sunghoon mumbled, rubbing his eyes once more.

Jay sighed, hating how stubborn Sunghoon was all the time. "We'll find a solution for that. Sunghoon, I told you to sleep. And I mean it now." Jay said, closing his laptop and receiving a whine from the younger.

"I've still gotta sort out the photos. There's no way we're making the deadline," Sunghoon said, furrowing his eyebrows. He turned to Jay from his seat who was only a few inches away from him, leaving a small gap between their noses.

Their eyes widened, Jay quickly pulled away, putting a distance between them again.

"I-uh, sorry." Jay said, his heart suddenly racing. Sunghoon's cheeks grew red, he cleared his throat "I-It's alright." Sunghoon whispered before standing up from the chair.

"Are you able to sleep tonight?" He asked to Jay who got startled, his eyes hesitantly finding Sunghoon's . "I-I'll try." Jay said with a light stutter.

"Alright, good night Jay-ah." Sunghoon said, leaving the kitchen after glancing back at Jay for the last time.

He opened the door to his room, flopping on the bed, his face burning still. He sighed, trying to forget what happened.

"Might as well ask Heeseung hyung for advice..." he mumbled before closing his eyes.

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