It was a painful admission, but it was true - being able to share my thoughts and feelings with him again brought a sense of comfort and relief. The familiarity of our connection was like a warm embrace, one that I had been missing without even realizing it.

Was I...? No, no, no.

I couldn't be falling for him again. The thought was ludicrous. I couldn't be that naive, that masochistic.

We were a toxic combination, a recipe for disaster. Even without Brenda in the picture, we were a impossibility.

Our past was a minefield, our present a tangled web of unresolved emotions.

And yet...

And yet, my heart raced at the mere possibility, my mind rebelling against my better judgment.

I stood up, my movements sudden and deliberate. "Good night, Clyde."

His response was curt, his voice low. "Good night."

As I turned to leave, I could feel his gaze lingering on my legs, his eyes burning a trail along my skin. I didn't need to look back to know he was watching me, his attention making my skin prickle with awareness.


Monday arrived, and with it, the day of our presentation. Kelvin and I were set to address the entire class, and I was determined to make a strong impression.

I chose my outfit carefully, opting for a sleek black chiffon long-sleeved shirt and a tailored ash pencil skirt. I slipped on my trusty flats and double-checked that all my papers were securely in my tote bag.

"You've got this! You're going to do great," Brenda said, trying to calm my nerves.

I nodded, taking a deep breath. "I hope so."

After the first group finished presenting, it was our turn. Kelvin and I walked up to the front together, and he gave me a reassuring smile. It was a subtle cue to start our presentation, but also a gesture of encouragement, reminding me that we were in this together.

I took a deep breath. "Romanticism is an artistic and intellectual movement. This movement stresses on emotions, freedom and individual imagination. Romanticism originated in Europe towards the end of the 18th century."

I looked at Kelvin, he nodded understanding immediately then continued from where I stopped. "Many great men like William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge helped in the development of the period..."

After we finished everyone clapped as we went to sit.

"They'll make a great couple." Someone whispered as we walked by. Couple. My. Foot. When I still couldn't let go of Clyde.

After our presentation, the lecturer requested that we submit our manuscripts to receive our grades. Two more groups presented, and then the class came to a close.

As the class wrapped up, Kelvin approached me with a warm smile. "You nailed it out there!" he said, his praise boosting my confidence.

"Thanks, you too!" I replied, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Just then, the departmental president strode into the lecture hall, commanding everyone's attention. The room fell silent, all eyes fixed on him, eager to hear what he had to announce.

"Good afternoon, everyone!" he boomed, his enthusiastic greeting echoing through the lecture hall.

We responded in unison, our voices filling the room.

Then, with a mischievous grin, he asked, "Are you guys ready to have some fun?" His question was met with a mix of curious glances and excited murmurs.

The room erupted into a flurry of excited whispers and curious glances as everyone turned to each other, eyes wide with anticipation.

"The department is throwing a Freshers' Night Party just for you guys!" he announced, pausing for dramatic effect. "And the best part? It's happening next week!"

The class exploded into cheers and applause, with Brenda bouncing up and down in her seat like a rubber ball, her enthusiasm infectious.

"The party details will be dropped in the group chat, so keep your eyes peeled!" he said with a sly smile, knowing he had us all hooked. "Have fun, but don't get too carried away... or do, we won't judge!"

We cheered again, our excitement reaching new heights. As he left, the room buzzed with chatter, everyone speculating about the party's location, what to wear, and who would dare to do what on the dance floor.

As we walked out of the lecture hall, Kelvin turned to me and said, "We finally nailed that presentation!"

I chuckled and replied, "Yeah, I was so nervous, I thought I was going to shit in my pants!"

Kelvin laughed and said, "Well, thank goodness that didn't happen! This calls for a celebration - dinner? I'm buying."

I grinned and agreed, "Sure thing, I'm in!"


I indulged in a refreshing afternoon snooze, sleeping away the hours until 6:30 pm. Clearly, my body needed a break! I slowly got ready for dinner, opting for a comfortable and laid-back look - my trusty leggings and a vintage shirt. By 7 pm, I was all set, feeling relaxed and ready for a lovely evening.

He took me to Everything Food, a bustling casual eatery that was always a hit. We settled in, both ordering a classic combo: burgers and beers. As we savored our meals, our conversation flowed easily.

Then, Kelvin dropped a bombshell: "You know, my girlfriend visited me recently." His words hung in the air.

My eyes widened in surprise as I looked up at him. "You mean the one you swore off when you fled to this humble school in a far-off state?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kelvin chuckled and rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "The very same," he admitted, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

I savored the last bite of my burger, licking my fingers and remarked, "That's a huge move, Kelvin."

"I guess."

"She must be really like you a lot."

The silence that followed spoke volumes, and I could sense the weight of his thoughts, the unspoken emotions lingering beneath the surface.

I asked gently, "You still have feelings for her, don't you?"

Kelvin's sigh was heavy, and his eyes dropped, revealing the truth. "Yes," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

I paused, feeling a pang in my chest, my heart was breaking...


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