A Cat Most Curious

Start from the beginning

Curious Cat: Oh... so they're spoken for. Well please, please hurry, I have so many, many questions.

(The Cat proceeds to chase after the butterfly into the grass again)

Weiss: Are we sure they're not called the "Constantly Annoying Cat"?

Yang: Got 'em, totally roasted.

Weiss: (smugly smiling) Thank you.

Blake: Guys, the Curious Cat was described as an ally, with an appetite for information. Just because they don't want to go back to the tree, doesn't mean we can't lure them there.

Megatron: a smart deception move Blake. And if the cat want info well we all hav remove them enough to—

Yang: The cat's gone.

(Hearing this, Ruby panics)

Ruby: WHAT?! No! No! No!

(Ruby frantically looks around, but manages to find the Cat when they pounce on the butterfly)

Ruby: Whoa, wait up! Didn't you have questions for us? We'll be happy to answer them.

(The Cat pops out from the red grass. Ruby gives a big sigh of relief)

Curious Cat: I sense a "but" approaching.

(The Cat's hind legs then rejoin their front half)

Ruby: No, no! Uh, I mean... we do still need to go to the tree, but that'll take ages, right? Plenty of time to tell you all the stuff from our world. (chuckles nervously) Look! (pulls out her Scroll) Ever seen a Scroll before? Oooooh!

Curious Cat: Luminous rectangle!

(takes the Scroll from Ruby)

Curious cat: Ooh! What does this button do?

(the light from Ruby's Scroll flashes, and they take a few more selfies)

Curious cat: Why is it painting tiny flat versions of me? Is that what I look like when smiling? I've so many more questions, how exciting!

Weiss: Hook, line, and sinker.


Curious Cat: So the old man and the boy share a body now? Ooh, that's got some uncomfortable implications. Who thought that was a helpful way to reincarnate? The same people who put a city in the sky? Ooh, speaking of Atlas, did that Ciel girl from the Vytal Festival ever come back in a notable way? Hoo hoo! There's just so many characters to keep track of! Wait, what was my original question?

(They all have tired looks on their faces)

Yang: (exhausted) Blake... It's your turn.

Blake: (exhausted) You asked about the origins of Remnant.

Curious Cat: That's right! Ooh, those Two Brothers! Talk about a god complex, am I right? (sighs) All in all, a rather entertaining summary, though I felt some of the character voices were a bit uninspired. (to Weiss) Looking at you, wise huntress.

Weiss: Again, it's Weiss. Just Weiss.

Curious Cat: (chuckles) Apologies. To your credit, you lot certainly know more about the beginnings of Remnant than Alyx did, and that girl could barely see past her own nose.

Ruby: Oh, what do you mean?

Curious Cat: Don't you know? Just hilariously concerned with trivial things.

Blake: Yeah, but she learned her lesson in the end, right?

Curious Cat: I'd certainly say so. Oh, would you look at that. The edge of the Gardens Arce.

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