There was a moment of silence.
"Did you happen to meet him?" Kunal asked after a moment.

"No. Why?" Arjun asked, unloading the grocery bag.

"We will work on something. Meanwhile, stay around Veena. May be take her out, try to flaunt her. You know... In front of him... Provoke him."

Arjun froze.
"What are you saying, Kunal? That's like risking her."

"Do it, Arjun. Try to provoke him. Meanwhile, I will get a better plan."

Arjun knew Kunal very well. It was easier said than done. But when he thought back, he realized that he never knew if Sahil still wanted to go ahead and marry Veena, if the annulment happened.
To answer his questions, he heard a car approaching the main house. His eyes slightly widened when he realized who it was.

Sahil's got down the car and pushed the door close harshly.
Arjun never thought that an opportunity to provoke Sahil would come so soon. He sucked in a deep breath. His life in this house was really getting difficult with every visit.
He took long strides and walked in the main house leisurely.

"Veena!" Sahil hollered out loudly and his voice boomed in the house.

Arjun halted at the threshold and leaned on the door frame with his hands in his pockets and his left ankle crossed with his right foot. Sahil had not noticed him yet.

Veena and Samrat came out rushing, hearing to the loud voice.

"Sahil!" She exclaimed, worried.

"Come down, right now." He roared.

A nerve ticked in Samrat's brain and Veena was taken aback.
She rushed down the stairs, followed by Samrat.

"What's wrong? When did you come?" She asked, while Samrat widened his eyes as he noticed Arjun, casually leaning on the door frame. Arjun just placed a finger on his lips to keep Samrat from making his presence known. Samrat furrowed his eyebrows not knowing what Arjun was up-to.

"I am coming from your parents house. Do you even know how much are they worried? What has gone into you?" He snapped unceremoniously.

She clenched her jaw.
"What do you want from me?"

"I told you earlier. Just sign those damn papers and get this marriage annulled. We can still get married."

Arjun balled his fist. He was sure, Sahil would not let go of Veena so easily. He wanted to know what she would want.

"I told you earlier, I am not marrying you or anyone else, for that matter. That is the last thing I need." She snapped.

Sahil took a dangerous step towards her and she instinctively stepped back.

"Sahil!" Arjun finally made his presence known with a dangerous menacing voice.

Sahil froze as he looked at the owner of the voice.
Arjun took slow commanding steps towards them and Veena instantly and unknowingly had a sense of relief washed over her.

"Oh. Look, who we have over here." Sahil mocked looking at Arjun and then he looked at her.

"So, he is the reason you refused?" Sahil screamed and that made Richa and Naren come out of their rooms.

"Sahil, I think you should leave. You are not in your right senses." Richa tried to intervene.

"Shut up. Stay in your limits and do what you are good at." He snapped at her.

Naren clenched his fist and took a step ahead to punch him, but Richa held him back, scared that the situation might take an ugly turn. Sahil was too furious to think rationally.
But that did not stop Samrat from pulling Veena towards him, not wanting to dirty his hands on the worthless man. He knew, one punch would be just a start and Arjun would be again pulled in the series of allegations and accusations.

"I am giving you a week, Veena. Decide what is best for you." His voice was menacingly cold.

He was about to turn around and leave, but received a mean punch. He was thrown on the floor. He composed himself and looked shocked at Samrat. Samrat was ready to pounce with another punch when he was held back by Arjun.

"Leave me, Arjun, I will kill that.... " Samrat protested.

"Enough, Sammy." Arjun growled.

"I said leave me." Samrat pushed him back harshly.

"Can't I get one single day of peace in this house? Am I supposed to regret coming here always?" Arjun grumbled.

"How dare you hit me?" Sahil stood up, humiliated and furious.

Samrat and Arjun looked at him.

"Dare you lay a finger on my sister and make you regret your birth." Samrat seethed in anger.

Bansi rushed down, with her phone ringing and caught attention of everyone around.
"Veena Dii, you father was trying to connect with you. He said, Sahil Bhai left their place sometime ago to come here. He was furious...." her words were lost in her throat as she realized Sahil standing there and everyone else, tensed.

Veena was filled with fear.
"What did you say to parents?"

"What happened there, Sahil?" She asked again when he did not reply.

Richa decided to intervene.
"Veena, he must be just worried about you. What else?"

Veena gently pushed her away and stepped towards Sahil.
"Why are you so keen on marrying me? What is this desperation for?"

Sahil went silent momentarily.

"Answer her Sahil. What else, Richa? I am sure you know!" Arjun seethed in anger.

Richa was taken aback and so was Sahil.

"What are you saying? How would she know?" Naren came to his wife's rescue and Richa gulped looking down.

Arjun shook his head in disappointment. He held Veena's hand and dragged her away and she did not protest. He walked away out of the house, out of the gates and she let him.

Arjun did not know what happened back at home, but he could see that the things were speeding up and soon he would find himself in a whirlwind.
He stopped abruptly taxi and opened a door for her. She did not know why she trusted him and silently followed him.
She was silent for some time, before she asked, where they were going.

"To your parents place." He replied.

"Why?" She asked not expecting that.

He did not reply and closed his eyes, leaning his head on the backrest.
The taxi stopped in front of her house and they both stepped down. Veena took a few steps towards the house and turned back to realise that he was not following her.

"You are not coming?"

He shook his head.
"I am not welcome. Your parents wouldn't appreciate that. "

She blinked.
"You are not welcome in Mathur Residence too, and no one appreciates you there. But you keep coming."

A momentary flash of hurt was visible before it was replaced by emptiness. 
"I never compelled you to stay there. Go meet your parents. Make sure they are fine and assure them that you are fine too."

Veena nodded. She turned to take a step ahead.

"Veena?" He called out.

She hummed looking back at him.
"Will you call me to pick you up if you wish to go back?"

She blinked.
"I left my phone back there. I don't have your number."

He smiled and walked away. He knew, it was not a problem if she decided to call him.

It was a long chapter.

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