Worst Case Scenario

Start from the beginning

Ruby: But now we have a suspect. We can tell the people.

Clover: That a long-lost serial killer is loose in Mantle and the military has no idea where he is - might make things worse before they get better.

Nora: I am so sick of secrets! If we just told everyone about Amity, about Salem--

Ironwood: We can't!

(Everyone turns to look at Ironwood)

Ironwood: If we talk about Amity now, we risk Salem's forces, who we know are here, working to sabotage it. If we tell them about Salem now, we risk falling to the Grimm before we can reunite Remnant.

(Ironwood stands up, slamming his hands down onto his desk)

Ironwood: We have to finish the tower. I want Robyn Hill in custody.

Ironwood: We can offer her a deal if she gets Mantle to cooperate.

Clover: We'll figure it out.

Ironwood: Anyone not assisting with Robyn needs to focus on Tyrian.

(He begins heading for the door, hands clasped behind his back)

Ironwood: I want to know who he's working with, where he's hiding, what he's planning, and how exactly that video of Penny got all over my kingdom.

(He stops in front of the door and turns to look at everyone)

Ironwood: (sternly) Do I make myself clear?

Clover and Winter: Yes, sir.

Ren: Yes, sir.

Megatron: crystal. (I squint my eye at him)

(Ruby and Nora give Ren a surprised look, and Ren stares calmly ahead)

Later on

(In the early evening in Mantle, an armored truck drives along a road, passing by a grocery market)

Yang: Looks like we're approaching 51st.

(Megatron Blake and Yang are riding inside the cargo area of the truck with their Scrolls in their hands. Blake is reviewing a file about Robyn's thefts, while Yang is in a video call with Clover)

Clover: Thanks for the assist on this, you two. Now, we may all be split between different trucks, but we need to be ready to act as one in case Robyn's team takes the bait. If your truck is hit, pursue immediately. Everyone else will move in as fast as possible. Going radio silent. Over.

(The video call ends, and Yang collapses her Scroll's screen, looking uncertain)

Yang: Do you. Do you think we should've told Ironwood about Salem, before he put so much on the line for Amity?

Blake: Sounds like you do.

Megatron: do you think it would change anything?

Yang: (sighs) I trust Ruby, but I think he deserves to know what he's stepping into. We all did.

(Blake and Megatron remains quiet, Blake cat ears folding over a little. Yang turns and looks at her)

Yang: You don't agree.

(Blake collapses her Scroll and puts it away)

Blake: Look around. The embargo, the military presence, the restrictions on assembly. He's a bit prone to overreacting.

Yang: Yeah, hard to argue with that. Still, he didn't have a lot of good options.

Blake: I'm not sure there are many good options left for any of us anymore. Keeping secrets, taking lives? It makes you wonder how far we're gonna have to go to keep doing the right thing.

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