Section Commander

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Hange smile grew wider and she reached in her pocket for a pencil.

" What are trying to do?"
"Moblit do you have a notebook?"
  "Yes". He pulled it out and Hange snatched it out of his hand and began writing.
"Thanks. To answer your question, any time something grabes my attention I will write it down".

He leaned over to see what she was taking about.

"Oh, let me do it for your handwriting is a little sloppy". Hange gave it to him without any sign of getting offended.

" Let's see....OH, the trees in these parts are tall and thick and the leaves show no sign of any creatures eating them to survive". She rode on her horse at a slow past looking at the ground.

" Note that on our last Titan sighting they showed no sign of communicating to one other."

She rode closer to the forest looking to the ground.

"We have yet to come across any Titan feces or any waste for that matter. But according to Mike they do have a distant smell of some sort."
" Wow Hange this is actually really good information". Moblit said while writing and getting closer on his horse.

"No.... We need to be analyzing the actual creatures."
"Yea but...." He stop writing and look up to Hange making a face, he sighed and wondered what she was up to now.

Time later and it was a normal day for Erwin, writing down proposals and plans that could help the scouts in his office. He still wasn't officially in command but all of the scouts treated him as such and trusted his judgment.

Levi was in the room with him drinking tea. Who would have guessed based on their first meeting that they would be relaxing in the same room together? They couldn't avoid each other even if they tried. Erwin's strategy and gambles and Levi's strength came hand and hand. Before they even realized they were always at each other side fully dedicated to the cause. Levi's decision to stay with the scouts was easily the most important choice he ever made.

The door slammed open.
"Good Evening sir!" Hange says while saluting.
" Hey what's up?" Erwin said softly.
" Did you have to slam the door?" Levi then went for a sip.

She hesitated for a moment not sure what was the best way to word this.
She breathed in.
"Please the both of you come and help me convince Shadis to let the scouts examine titans from a closer proximity."

"Haven't you already asked him yourself?" Erwin said.
"Yes. However last attempt costed us over 10 lives under his approval so I was instantly shut down".

"Erwin, capturing titans seems like a no brainer right?" Levi said.

  "Of course but the scouts are in a position where our strength needs to our main focus. Do you know how close we were to getting shut down? If we don't get any results all of our sacrifices will all be for nothing".
  "AUHH aren't you the one who told me that the scouts goal is to understand who the enemy really is? What better way to do that then to analyze them closely? What happen to all that rambling about the "Limits of Humankind", Man eating monsters nobody knows about, HOW THERE'S NO WAY HUMANITY HAS THE FULL STORY. This isn't an option soner or later we're going to need to do this At least agree with me on that.

He didn't say anything for a moment. He just stared at her with his eyes lightly wide.
"Come to think about it, I guess that was a long time ago".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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