First Expedition Outside The Walls P2

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Up ahead Shadis and Erwin we're riding their horses towards them. Shadis had noticeably less people with him and Erwin on the other hand seemed to have the same amount of people with him. Regardless these scouts were really good. And it only took a few to kill the last remaining titans.

Hange and Rico explained what happen to the commander and Erwin. Bodies were being counted and put away to carry, soldiers calling for their horses and people looking far out for more Titan that would show up any second. Mike was off to the side breathing heavily barely able to stand being comforted by Nanaba with her hand on his back.

When Erwin asked why they didn't fire sooner Hange explained her thought process and theory. She also praised Mike and how his skills really came in clutch. Erwin eyebrows raised up and looked in Mike direction and back at Hange. He thought to himself .
"Did he actually manage to take down over 17 titans on his first expedition?"
"And Hange... has actually proven that titans mostly rely on their noses like other animals.
"And the others... we're able to keep up with Mike and save other people...
   " Despite what could've happened they pulled it off."
  "They took a gamble...."and it paid off".
"This version of the scouts might actually help us complete our ultimate/ original goal".

A good 15 minutes had passed and the scout were already ready to go back inside the walls. Like many times before the scouts had lost to many people to continue and were soundly defeated. With binoculars a scout could see a fairly size group of titans making their way towards them. Even though they had killed the titans near them, other titans could still smell them...(They are now even a larger group of people) just as Hange predicted.
"WE ARE LEAVING NOW". Shadis yelled.
"LETS GO". Erwin yelled.
Everyone was doing as told but Henry who was off to the side with a soldier.
He was still in a state of shock and was crying a shaking while saying,
"Get away from me"
"No... how dare you eat my friends".
Henry made a sad expression.
"He must still think we're fighting" he thought to himself.
"Hey it's all over long as you stand up and follow us quickly". Henry said this while gently touching his shoulder.
The male scout didn't react.
"HEY! Let's get out of here before actual titans come over here".
No reaction.
Henry wasn't going to wait for him to snap back into reality, He used both of his hands and all of his body strength to try and drag this scout to his feet.

Felix wasn't as close as he wanted to be. Him Mike, Nanaba, Rico and Hange were getting compliments from all scouts for their performance/Gamble. Even the commander was giving them a good talk about their bravery and courage and how only special people can pull that off. He was constantly looking to make sure Henry was close but there was just to many people, he couldn't get a good look.

Henry was dragging the scout while scolding him for his lack of motivation. A second later a median sized Titan came out of nowhere next to the tree closest to the soldier and Henry. With all of these people here how was it possible that someone missed a titan?

Regardless Henry was extremely unlucky.

As if in slow motion the Titan and Henry made eye contact and Henry knew he only had a second. With new determination Henry was able to pick up the scout and run 4 feet away from the Titan and push the scout farther causing him to roll and immediately scream while grabbing his ears in a fetus position. The Titan had grabbed Henry by the waist. Felix was mortified by what he had saw and push people out of the way (Even Hange who was pushed to the ground) locking his ODM gear to a tree to get to the Titan in time. While Hange was getting up she thought about. As long as she could remember Felix had alway wanted to be at Henry side. He always cared what he thought, always asking if he was hurt or had a cold. Henry was the only person who was granted to make Felix smile. Hange had a equal amount of care and cherished all of her friends and comrades. But with Felix it was not the same. It had been more clear than ever that Felix was in love with Henry. Henry was his most beloved.

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