Erwin Smith 

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Some more time has past and it was one of the few times the cadets had a day off from training. Most of them went to go visit their families, some spent the whole day sleeping while her friends Felix, Henry and Corrine decided to go to the library. During the same time the Scouting Legion was expected to be arriving back from one of their expositions.

Hange Zoe had been thinking about them a lot ever since the wings on the commander back had her glasses shimmer. Maybe it was meant for her. She would finally get a chance to see Titans and many other things that wouldn't be possible inside the walls. Hange Zoe thought would it was logical to interview them after first-hand experience outside of the world she had always known. And get the chance to openly talk about the Titans.

      "Don't you think we should meet with the other's? This is one of our only day off and you want to pester these people who have just gone through a lot of fighting? They should be resting the second they come bac-
" Stop trying to stop me Moblit. You can go meet with the others you don't t have to follow me".
" Seriously".
Hange stared at Moblit, he then sighed and started walking the other direction.
"Be back before dinner".
  Hange smiled and yelled out, "THATS WHAT I HAD PLANNED ON "!
She had a pen and a notebook so she could sketch a titan and write down anything important that the scouts would tell her. All for her personal reason. She was just some kid so she would have to be very convincing to chat with one of them. There was already a small crowd gathering to see them go back inside the walls. Hange was standing on a crate to get a good look.
Slowly the gate opens. Once it had fully been up the scouts walk inside, some walking with their horses some riding on there horses and a lot where being carried in supply carts being they were injured. There was one cart that had a covering on top of it and it was obvious what was in that one. Hange didn't think to much about it and the moment they started pouring in she jumped down and started pushing her way to the front of the crowd and into the street to get there attention.
      "Good day to you wonderful brave soldier"!
  The man what was next to her continued riding his horse.
      " It's so nice to see you on this lovely! What kind of titans did you face off today? Where you able to smell the breath of the titan as you fought for yo-
      " Your clearly a cadet". The man said.
      "Shouldn't you be training"?
      " I'm my day off  and clearly you are too, So why don't we just-
     " Get lost".
      "Orrrr we can talk about strange things you have seen in the outside worl-
      " Someone doesn't like to listen". Said by a female soldier walking with her horse. She then proceeded to shove Hange back in the crowds.
They kept walking without saying anything.
   "How about you!" She pointed to a male soldier on his horse in a happy tone.
   "If you don't back away then next time we will  make you a nice present for the titans and you can take a view of the outside world yourself"
    "That wouldn't be so bad... maybe if you tell me how your first experience was-
He kicked his horse and rode right past her.
The crowd shortly dispersed and hange was left alone with her pen and notebook feeling defeated and fighting the choices presented. Go back and find her friends or not to give up and continue following the survey crops. Before she made her decision she let out a loud groan and started walking but a voice stop her in a place.
"So your interested in the world beyond the walls"?
Hange slowly turned around and respond.
"Yes I am".
The man was clearly an experienced soldier, yet fairley young. He was quite attractive, Blonde hair parted nicely, thick defined eyebrows with a nice frame. His horse was near at his side.
"My name is Erwin Smith." He reached his hand out.
Hange froze for a moment but later stuck out her hand.
" Hange Zoe".
" I'd love to hear about your journey beyond the walls with a personal perspective. I promise I'm not some sort of spy working for other branches trying to put in end to the scouts!
He chuckled.
" I doubt that's the case."
Erwin sat down on a unused Crate and Hange sat on one that was across him.

"What did you think when you first saw a titan? Are they as scary as they say?

" There size and teeth would have been intimidating to anyone but after a while of fighting them constantly, It wouldn't be so far fetch to call them friends."

Hange stared at him closely.

"Titans are obviously no joke". He continued
"The survey corps goal is more then getting to venture out side the walls and kill titans just out of hatred. We need to understand who the enemy truly is what kind of world we are subjected to live in ... What are truly the limits of humankind.

"Woah, what are you trying  to say when you mean limits of humankind?" Hange wrote in her notebook.
"Well... Hange right"? She nodded yes.
" I won't give you the direct answer now but I will leave you with a question. Hange, I seriously doubt that you believe everything that were told inside the walls. What if the truth about the titans are much more more complex than higher ups make it seem? How human like is this world that we were born into?

" Human like"... Hange mumbled under her breath. They would talk for 25 minutes, each taking turns rambling and explaining their thought on titans, other regiments and ways to make living better for people in all regions of the walls.

What he had said earlier came back to her mind. She thought about it... All her life she had been taught that humanity had been forced to live behind these giant unbreakable walls, because of the titans that threaten to eat them all. But this Erwin guy was making it seem as if there was more to it. What experience made him so sure that there could be more? Could giant man eating monster not be so straightforward as they were taught to believe. She continued thinking but was cut off by Erwin's voice.

" The scout regiment is the only regiment dedicated to finding the truth about the titans. Erwin stood up.
" We could use someone who focuses directly on Titans, and understanding their nature. For me anything else but defying our nature and adventure out for the cause would be like taking my will to live... regardless of who I lose... You might not understand this but I have to do this Hange. You should find your reason for being a cadet and ask yourself if it's noble. If it then I look forward to riding next you. And we both can discuss our theories on the outside world." He smiled.

" I will be seeing you Hange". He walked away with his horse following.

Hange Zoe stood up and looked at the wing on the back of his green hood. Her eyes then softened and she then knew what she wanted to do.

She ran to the front of the library were her friends were standing off to the side. Corrine on the left eating a apple with Felix in the middle reading a book with Henry leaning in looking  at what he was reading.
  "There you are". Corrine said while chewing.
" You guys I'am joining the scout regiment".

The other two looked up at her while Felix eyes were still on his book.
" What has possessed you to join the regiment with the most casualties?" Felix said while turning a page.

" there's still so much we don't know about the outside world. It makes sense to get out there rather than sitting our ass just because it's safer. Not to mention seeing what titans actually look like has been something we have wanted for ye-"
" Not you with the titan stuff again. Sometimes you make it seem as if you love them." Corrine said.
" That's not true. Of course I hate them but there so much we don't know maybe there's more to it."
" You do know the scouts fight against the titans, not just study them." Henry said. 
" Outside of studying, Felix is the only one who can one who comes close to Mike and Rico in strength. The rest of us are just out of the top 10 and we only have a few good weeks to change that. Hange are you serious about Joining the scouts cause you know that means we're gonna do it to." Henry said.

Just before she responds a Calipitter crawls on her boot. She picked it up holding it in her palm with both hands.

" Yes, if there is something we don't understand then we should do whatever it takes to figure it out."

She continued looking at the calipitter.

" The scouts will need people like us. And we should take every second to prepare ourselves so we can be noble opponents against them."

Corrine sighed. 
" looks like me and you need to start doing push ups right, Henry?"
"Shut up". Henry said.
Felix sighed. "That's that then." He closed his book.
" Knowledge is always worth the risk".

Moblit started walking toward them holding a basket from most likely shopping around town.
" Hey! what are y'all talking about?"
"Where all going to join the scouts". Felix said while smiling at moblit.
"No way... you guys can't be serious. It would make way more since to aim for the Harrison regiment corps engineers like me but have fun I guess".

Hange and the others continued to make great scores at the Academy, and stuff that would be useful with the scouts/ training with ODM Gear, Felix was the only one of the friend group who manage to squeeze in the top 10 of their class. Despite this, after 2 whole years of training when the time came to join the scout regiment, Corrine, Henry, Felix and Hange all stood tall. A few days later they would receive their green hoods with the winds of freedom on them and it wouldn't be much longer until Hange would see her first titan and get a chance to explore the world outside the walls.

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