Forgiveness and Promises | Regina George

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Under the soft lighting of her studio, Y/N's fingers danced across the canvas, her heart pouring into each brushstroke. She was an artist, one of the so-called 'art freaks' at school, but she was also something else - Regina George's girlfriend.

Regina, the most popular girl in school, and Y/N, they were an unlikely pair. Yet, their connection was undeniable, their love story a beautiful paradox. Y/N's art was breathtaking, each piece a testament to her talent. Her most cherished work was a lifelike portrait of Regina. Regina loved it so much that she hung it on the prime spot on her bedroom wall, a silent declaration of their bond.

When Y/N was selected for an art contest, she was over the moon. She immediately invited Regina, hoping to share this moment with her. But Regina declined, saying she and her mom had plans. Y/N was disappointed, but she understood.

The day of the contest arrived. Y/N's heart pounded as she presented her work, her hands slightly trembling. When they announced the winner, her name echoed in the hall. She had won! Euphoria washed over her. She couldn't wait to tell Regina.

She rushed to Regina's house, her heart fluttering with excitement. But the sight that greeted her was unexpected. Regina's mom casually mentioned that Regina was out partying. Y/N felt a pang of betrayal. Regina had lied to her.

Anger bubbled up inside her. She checked Regina's location on her phone. They had agreed to track each other's phones for safety reasons. The location led her to a party. As she walked in, she saw Regina with the Plastics, laughing, oblivious to Y/N's presence.

Seeing Regina there, Y/N felt a lump in her throat. But she swallowed it down, forcing herself to move. She marched up to Regina, who looked genuinely shocked to see her there. Y/N grabbed Regina's wrist, pulling her away from the crowd.

"Why would you lie to me, Regina?" Y/N's voice quivered, a mix of hurt and anger. "You could have just told me you didn't want to go to my art contest. You could have just told me you wanted to party instead!"

Regina looked taken aback, her eyes wide. She opened her mouth to say something, but Y/N cut her off. "I thought we were honest with each other, Regina. I thought we had something real. But I guess I was wrong."

Regina looked at her, guilt replacing the surprise on her face. "Y/N, I..." she began, but Y/N didn't let her finish.

"No, Regina. Actions speak louder than words. You chose this party over my art contest, and that tells me everything I need to know." Y/N's voice was firm, but her eyes were brimming with tears.

The noise of the party faded into the background as they stood there, the truth hanging heavy between them. Y/N turned around, leaving Regina standing there, speechless. As she walked away, she could still feel Regina's shocked gaze on her back. But she didn't look back. She had made her point.

A week had passed since the party, and Y/N had been ignoring Regina's texts and calls. She even avoided her at school, a task that proved harder than she thought. The hallways seemed to shrink, making it impossible not to bump into Regina. But Y/N was determined.

Every time her phone buzzed with a new message, her heart would leap, hoping it was someone else. But it was always Regina. "Y/N, we need to talk," "Please answer my calls," "I'm sorry, Y/N." The messages kept coming, but Y/N didn't respond.

At school, things were even more complicated. Regina would try to approach her, but Y/N would turn the other way. During lunch, she would sit with her friends in the art club, her eyes avoiding the table where Regina and the Plastics usually sat.

One day, Y/N was at her locker, gathering her books for class when she felt a presence behind her. She didn't need to turn around to know who it was. "Y/N, can we please talk?" Regina's voice was soft, almost pleading.

Y/N closed her locker and turned to face Regina. She looked different, her usual confident demeanor replaced with a look of desperation. "There's nothing left to talk about, Regina," Y/N said, trying to keep her voice steady.

"But I owe you an explanation, Y/N. I owe you an apology," Regina said, her voice barely a whisper.

Y/N sighed, "An apology won't change what happened, Regina. You chose a party over my art contest, over me. You lied to me."

"I know, and I'm sorry, Y/N. I made a mistake," Regina's voice cracked, her eyes welling up with tears.

Y/N looked at her, her heart aching. She still cared for Regina, but she couldn't just forget what had happened. "Regina, it's not just about the lie. It's about the choice you made. You chose a party over something that was important to me. That hurt."

"I know, and I can't take it back. But I can promise you that it won't happen again," Regina said, her eyes pleading for Y/N to believe her.

Y/N looked at her, her mind a whirl of thoughts. She wanted to believe Regina, but she was scared of getting hurt again. "I need time, Regina," she finally said, her voice barely audible.

Regina nodded, wiping away a tear. "Take all the time you need, Y/N. I'll wait."

With that, Y/N walked away, leaving Regina standing by the lockers. As she walked down the hallway, her heart felt heavy. She didn't know what the future held for her and Regina, but for now, she needed to focus on healing.

Two days had passed since their conversation at the lockers. Y/N had spent those days reflecting on everything, the hurt, the betrayal, but also the love and the happiness. She realized that she missed Regina, missed being with her. So, she decided to talk to Regina.

Y/N walked up to Regina in the hallway and asked her to meet her in the girls' comfort room. Regina looked surprised but nodded, agreeing to meet her there.

Once they were alone in the comfort room, Y/N looked at Regina, her heart pounding in her chest. "Regina," she started, her voice steady, "I've done a lot of thinking these past few days. And I've decided...I've decided to forgive you."

Regina's eyes widened, "Y/N, I..."

Y/N held up a hand, stopping her, "But I need you to promise me something, Regina. Promise me that you'll never lie to me again."

Regina nodded immediately, "I promise, Y/N. I promise I'll never lie to you again."

With that promise hanging in the air between them, Regina leaned in, capturing Y/N's lips in a kiss. It was a soft, gentle kiss, a promise of love and trust. They pulled away after a few minutes, their foreheads resting against each other.

Just then, the comfort room door swung open, and one of Y/N's friends walked in. Startled, Regina and Y/N pulled apart, a blush spreading across their faces. They rushed out of the comfort room, giggling like schoolgirls.

As they walked down the hallway, hand in hand, Y/N felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She knew that they had a long way to go, that trust wasn't something that could be rebuilt overnight. But she was willing to try, for Regina, for them.

Regina squeezed her hand, a silent promise that she was in this too, that she would do everything she could to make things right. And in that moment, Y/N knew that everything was going to be okay. They were going to be okay.

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