Love's Resilience | Leighton Murray

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It was a Friday night, and Leighton Murray, Whitney, Kimberly, Bella, and Y/N decided to go to a popular frat party. The house was buzzing with music, laughter, and the clinking of cups. The energy was infectious, and the five of them were ready to have a great time.

Leighton and Y/N arrived together, hand in hand, their smiles matching. Whitney, Kimberly, and Bella followed closely behind, their laughter echoing in the night air. As they entered the party, the crowd parted, recognizing the group's charisma and charm.

With the music pounding in their ears and the lights dancing around them, the five friends decided to split up and mingle. Leighton kissed Y/N's hand before they parted ways, promising to meet up later. Y/N, feeling adventurous, decided to explore the house.

As the clock struck midnight, the pulsating music and the chatter of the crowd seemed to fade into the background for Leighton, Whitney, Kimberly, and Bella. Their minds were preoccupied with one thought: where was Y/N? They had been searching for their friend for a while now, weaving through the crowd, calling out Y/N's name, but to no avail.

Leighton felt a knot of worry forming in their stomach. "Y/N is probably back at the dorm suite," Leighton said, trying to reassure not only their friends but also themself. The others nodded, although their faces were etched with concern.

They made their way out of the party, the once lively atmosphere now seeming too loud and chaotic. The walk back to the dorm suite was eerily quiet, the usually chatty group lost in their thoughts. The cool night air did nothing to alleviate their growing concern.

Upon reaching the suite, Leighton hurriedly unlocked the door, expecting to find Y/N inside, probably laughing at their worry. But the suite was empty, the silence hitting them like a punch.

Leighton felt a wave of panic wash over them. "Where could Y/N be?" they asked out loud, their voice echoing in the quiet suite. Whitney, Kimberly, and Bella looked just as worried, their smiles replaced with frowns.

"We need to find Y/N," Whitney said, breaking the silence. They all nodded, knowing they had to act fast.

"Maybe Y/N went to the late-night diner," Kimberly suggested. "Or Y/N could be at a friend's dorm," Bella added.

Despite the growing worry, they knew they had to stay calm. Panicking wouldn't help. They decided to split up and search the campus, each heading to one of Y/N's favorite spots.

Before they left, Leighton gathered everyone for a moment, "We need to stay focused and positive. Y/N is fine, we just need to find them." Their voice was steady, but inside, they were praying, hoping with all their heart that Y/N was safe.

As they split up, the suite was once again engulfed in silence. But this time, it was a silence filled with determination and hope. They wouldn't rest until they found Y/N.

The morning sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon when Y/N woke up in a bathroom stall. She felt disoriented, her head pounding, and her memories of the previous night were a blur. She couldn't remember how she ended up there, which filled her with a sense of dread.

With shaky legs, she stood up and stumbled out of the bathroom. The campus was eerily quiet, the only sound being her own ragged breathing. She started to run, her heart pounding in her chest, a lump forming in her throat. All she wanted was to get back to the safety of her dorm suite.

As she neared the suite, she could see the light from the common room spilling out into the hallway. Relief washed over her, and she quickened her pace. Bursting through the door, she found Leighton, Whitney, Kimberly, and Bella sitting there, their faces etched with worry.

Seeing them, she broke down, tears streaming down her face. She tried to speak, to explain what had happened, but the words got stuck in her throat. The others rushed over, their own worries momentarily forgotten as they tried to comfort her.

Leighton was the first to speak, their voice soft and soothing. "Y/N, take a deep breath. We're here for you. Can you tell us what happened?" They gently guided Y/N to a chair, their hand comforting on her shoulder.

Through her sobs, Y/N managed to explain about waking up in the bathroom stall, about not remembering anything from the previous night. The room fell silent as the gravity of the situation sunk in.

Whitney was the next to speak, her voice filled with concern. "We need to report this, Y/N. We need to make sure you're okay." Kimberly and Bella nodded in agreement, their faces pale.

Leighton squeezed Y/N's hand reassuringly. "We're going to figure this out, Y/N. We're with you every step of the way." The others echoed Leighton's sentiment, their expressions resolute.

Despite the fear and confusion, Y/N felt a glimmer of hope. She wasn't alone in this. She had her friends, and together, they would navigate through this difficult time.

rennè rapp imagineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora