A Bite of Betrayal| Regina George

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It was a typical day at North Shore High School. The hum of students filled the hallways, and Regina George, the school's queen bee, was in the cafeteria with her girlfriend, y/n, who was not part of the Plastics but was always around due to her relationship with Regina.

Cady, manipulated by Janis, handed y/n a cupcake. Hidden in the icing and batter were peanuts. Janis had convinced Cady that y/n was just faking her peanut allergy, and Cady, being naive, believed her.

As y/n took a bite, her eyes widened in alarm, "Is that peanuts?!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with dread. Suddenly, she began to cough violently, her face turning pale. The cafeteria, once filled with the lively chatter of students, fell into a stunned silence.

Regina, who was usually composed, was visibly upset. "Someone call an ambulance!!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the cafeteria. She was worried, her usual icy demeanor melting away as she watched y/n struggling to breathe.

"Can't...breathe," y/n managed to whisper, her hand clutching her throat. Regina's heart clenched at the sight. She turned to Cady, her eyes burning with rage.

"You! Why did you give y/n peanuts?!" she accused, her voice shaking with anger and worry. Cady looked shocked, her eyes welling up with tears as she realized the gravity of her mistake.

Suddenly, y/n's eyes rolled back, and she collapsed onto the floor, unconscious. Regina screamed y/n's name, her voice filled with panic and fear. The sound of sirens could be heard outside as the ambulance arrived, but for Regina, everything seemed to move in slow motion. The sight of y/n lying motionless on the floor was a stark reminder of the consequences of their actions.

Few hours after the dreadful incident, y/n was in the hospital, still unconscious. Regina was right by her side, her hand holding onto y/n's, hoping for a sign of recovery. Y/n's parents were there too, their faces etched with worry and anger. They were upset about Cady's reckless act, but they believed it was an accident, that Cady was unaware of y/n's peanut allergy.

However, they had to leave for a business trip, leaving their daughter in the care of the hospital staff and Regina. As they walked out of the room, they cast one last worried look at their unconscious daughter.

As the hospital room's door closed behind y/n's parents, y/n stirred. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she saw Regina by her bedside. "Thank God you're awake, baby. I was so worried," Regina sighed in relief, pressing a gentle kiss on y/n's cheek.

Regina's heart ached as she took in y/n's appearance. Y/n looked paler than usual, her skin almost as white as the hospital sheets. An oxygen tube was attached to her nose, a grim reminder of the ordeal she had been through. But despite the circumstances, Regina was just grateful that y/n was awake and alive.

A few days had passed since the incident, and y/n was finally out of the hospital. She was back at North Shore High School, sitting in the cafeteria with her girlfriend, Regina, and the rest of the Plastics, including Cady.

As they were eating, a random girl from another table shouted a mean comment towards y/n. The cafeteria fell silent, all eyes on y/n. She lowered her gaze, a wave of shame washing over her.

Regina, protective and furious, immediately stood up. "Hey! How dare you!" she yelled back at the girl. She was about to march over and give the girl a piece of her mind, but y/n grabbed her wrist, shaking her head.

Regina looked at y/n, her anger subsiding as she saw the pleading look in her girlfriend's eyes. Y/n didn't want a scene, she didn't want more attention drawn to her. Understanding y/n's wishes, Regina sat back down, her gaze still burning holes into the girl who had insulted y/n.

The cafeteria slowly returned to its usual buzz, but the atmosphere at their table was tense. Regina held y/n's hand under the table, giving it a reassuring squeeze. No words were needed, the silent gesture said it all - they were there for each other, no matter what.

Later that night, y/n and Regina found themselves in the comfort of Regina's bedroom. They were cuddled up against each other, a soft blanket draped over them as they watched a movie on Regina's flat screen TV.

"Regina," y/n broke the silence, her voice barely above a whisper. Regina hummed in response, her eyes shifting from the screen to meet y/n's.

"Yes, baby?" Regina replied, her voice gentle, matching the serene atmosphere of the room.

"You were so protective a while ago," y/n began, a soft smile playing on her lips. "God, I love the protective side of you."

Regina couldn't help but smile at y/n's words. She leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on y/n's nose, causing y/n to giggle.

"I love you, Regina George," y/n confessed, her eyes sparkling with sincerity.

"I love you more, y/n y/l/n," Regina responded, her voice filled with affection. She then leaned in to capture y/n's lips in a passionate kiss, her hand resting on y/n's waist, pulling her closer. The movie playing in the background was forgotten as they lost themselves in each other, their love for each other evident in their actions.

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