"Clarke, leaving here is a mistake."

"The decision has been made," She urged, she always thought she was right, she always thought she was the only one who knew what to do and that annoyed the crap out of me.

"Crowds make bad decisions! Just ask Murphy." He paused. "Leaders do what they think is right."

She stepped away from him, nodding. "I am." Clarke disappeared into the dropship and Bellamy cursed, looking distressed as he headed in the direction of the graveyard. I decided to follow behind him, "Bellamy...." I muttered.

"What!" Bellamy exploded. "What do you want now!?"

I blinked, taken aback, "I was just coming to say that I'm sorry-"

"You're sorry?" Bellamy laughed and shrugged me off. "Just go pack your things."

I screamed out in frustration which caused Bellamy to instantly turn his head to look at me. "God why are you such a dick! I'm trying to fucking apologize and yo-' Bellamy grabbed my neck and crashed his lips on mine before I could finish my sentence. My hands had a mind of their own, and tangling themselves in his dark hair.

"Bellamy..." I whispered as I pulled away from him, my hands cupping his jaw,

Bellamy sighed, looking away, "We could be dead by tonight," His voice was quiet but I noticed the hurt and sadness lacing his tone, "I'm sorry I hurt you Ivy"

"Look at me" I whispered, he turned his eyes back to mine. I looked into his chocolate brown eyes, "You're lucky I never blew your head off" I mumbled before pressing my lips against his again, knowing that this was possibly, most certainly the last time I would feel him.


Raven's screams pierced all ears of those who were outside the dropship and did even worse to is that were inside. Clarke, Finn, Bellamy and I were all hovered over Raven who had a bullet wound in her lower abdomen. Raven had a death grip on my fingers, crushing them together and I bit down on my lip to stop myself from yelping when she squeezed harder. Finn, who was holding her other hand, exchanged a wary glance with me.

I was mad at Raven, perhaps a little too angry, and now here she was with a fucking bullet wound. I couldn't lie and tell myself that I didn't care about her in this moment, but I did. Both Finn and I were worried out of our minds. The bullet was too deep for Clarke to even try and get out, she was stressed that there wasn't enough time for her to operate safely, so cauterizing the wound in order to stop the bleeding was the only thing she could do.

The smell of burning flesh lingered in the air and I tried not to breathe in through my nose, knowing that as soon as I did, vomit would be everywhere.

"There," Clarke placed the blade down on the table, the tip still glowing a bright orange. "That should stop the external bleeding.

'I don't understand. How did Murphy het a gun?" Finn asked, drawing his eyebrows together as he looked towards Bellamy who stood silently beside me, his expression conflicting.

"Long story" Bellamy responded vaguely, feeling no need to waste time with explanations.

"We got lucky, if Murphy hit the fuel tanks instead of me, we'd all be dead." Raven let out a long-winded sigh.

Clarke's eyes widened, "wait there's rocket fuel down there? Enough to build a bomb?"

"Enough to build a hundred bombs. If we had any gunpowder left."

"It makes sense," I murmured. "The thrusters never kicked in on time, so there would be hydrazine...." I sighed upon not realizing this before. "Dammit! If I figured it out sooner, we could have used that instead of the shitty mines we did use."

"Relax it doesn't matter now." Bellamy glanced at me, "Let's get back to the reapers," Bellamy urged as he looked through Lincoln's journal that Clarke and Finn brought from their expedition outside the wall, "Maybe they will help us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

"Not this enemy." Clarke's voice was cold and dead serious. "We saw them, trust me not an option."

"There's no time for this!" Finn looked at Clarke annoyed, "Can she walk or not?"

Clarke shook her head, "no, we have to carry her."

"The hell you will! I'm good to go." Raven tried to sit up straight almost the minute she got up to her elbows Clarke pushed her down.

"Hey! Listen to me. The bullet is still inside you. If by some miracle there's no internal bleeding it might hold until we get somewhere safe. But you are not walking! Is that clear?"

At the coldness of Clarke's tone, Raven laid back down where she was placed in the dropship with a defeated sigh.

"I'll go get the stretcher." Finn announced, ready to go find the stretcher when Bellamy's voice pulled him to a halt.

"Can't run away fast enough, huh? Real brave." Bellamy murmured louder than one normally would because he wanted Finn to hear it. Finn turned back immediately, offended by the comment.

"Dying a fight you can't win isn't brave, Bellamy! It's stupid."

"Spoken like every coward who's ever run from a fight" Bellamy snapped back.

"Hey!" I shouted at the two of them, my voice loud and hard. Bellamy and Finn didn't move a muscle, "Chill with the testosterone okay? Finn, go get that goddamn stretcher."

"If they follow." I turned around sharply, "it's a 120-mile walk to the ocean."

"Look we're wasting time!" Finn snapped and looked over at me, "if you and Bellamy want to stay, you can stay"

"No they can't!" Clarke was the one to say it as she watched Finn go out. I watched as she struggled with whether or not to go after Finn. Clarke shook her head and turned to face Bellamy. "We can't do this without you Bellamy" Clarke pleaded.

Apparently it is only Bellamy they can't do this without.

"What do you want me to say Clarke?" Bellamy asked with a heavy sigh.

"I want you to say that you're with us. Those kids out there, they listen to you."

"They're lining up to go, they listen to you more." Bellamy countered her argument.

"I gave them an easy choice. But five minutes ago they were willing to fight and die for you. You inspire them." Clarke's eyes glanced over at me, "And I'm afraid we're going to need that again before this day is through"

When Bellamy said nothing Clarke sighed and left the dropship. "Do what you think is right Bellamy." I spoke quietly. "But if you stay, then I stay as well" I gave him a small smile before leaving the dropship. I trusted he would do the right thing, but whatever he chose, I wouldn't leave him.

I made sure that the gunners knew how to proceed in the forest having planned a circular ring of the gunners surroundings those unprotected that were carrying our supplies. As I waited for the last of the gunners to leave the camp, I realized that there was still one person left, and I walked over to him, ready to let all the others go and stay with him.

He stared up at the dropship longingly and then turned just as Clarke re-entered the grounds and walked over to me and Bellamy.

"You did good here Bellamy," Clarke assured him.

He frowned, "eighteen dead"

"Eighty-two alive, she's right, you did good here Bellamy" I said softly as I squeezed his shoulder. "You saved more lives than we lost, don't ever forget it."

The three of us grew quiet, breathing in the fresh air that we all got so accustomed to ever since we stepped on the ground. Reaching behind Clarke, Bellamy used one of the barrels of water he had and turned, walking over to the fire and putting it out so that it went up in smoke.

"You did good too" Clarke turned to me, "Without you, a lot of us would be dead"

I gave her a half smile, I shrugged my shoulders as I watched Bellamy turn around throwing the Barrel down. Bellamy looked down at me with a small smile, he put his gun on his shoulder as his other arm wrapped around my waist, we were the last ones to leave the camp.

After walking for awhile, loud chatter began to break out among us, and after stern warnings from me and Bellamy, the conversations quietened to a low murmur.

Eventually however, Octavia signalled for everyone to stop. Bellamy tried to make his way to his sister, but I held out my arm, stopping him from making an unnecessary noise.

"I don't see anything...." Jasper voice was quiet, but in the silence it sounded like a yell.

"What the hell is going on?" I tried to stand taller and see over the mountains of people but even Bellay who was a lot taller, wasn't quite sure himself. He opened his mouth to respond, but right when he did, something flew in the air and the next thing we knew, a body dropped. It all seemed clear when Jasper's voice rang out.


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