Ferb isn't that tall.

He wasn't Ferb.

I didn't know if I was happy or even more afraid.

Who is this stranger?

"Who are you?" I asked as I clurled my arms around my stomach and whine at the ache. I felt like collapsing at any moment as my legs trembled under me.

"It's me, darling" his voice broke slightly. "I'm so sorry, my love" I heard him say and he took a step to me.

Out of a reaction I flinched back into the wall more but then his words covered my mind and I froze.



No it can't be possible.

"Ivan?" I stuttered out in shock.

It couldn't be...

He ignored my question and instead asked a concerned question. "Why don't you sit down? You've...been through a lot" his voice wasn't that confident joking manner anymore; it was rough like he hadn't slept in a while and it periced through my anxiety like an arrow.

I tried to crack my eyes open more; not fully convinced it was him, but I found I couldn't as I only winced as my eyes stung and watered more.

"Is it really you?" I whispered out as I too ignored his direction.

The shadow moved closer and I saw more defined features other than a simple outline.

My eyes buzzed in pain as I tried my hardest to make out details of his face.

Then his hand reached forward and I steeled myself not to move back. I really couldn't have moved away from him even if I wanted to since I was painted against the wall so tightly not even moving a muscle could get me closer to it.

His hand gently, tenderly gripped onto the tips of my fingers, gingerly touching me.

And than the uncertaintly was nothing more.

Suddenly I was in his arms by my own account and my arms were wrapped around his neck tightly.

It hurt so much to move any muscle in my body but the emotions of relief and happiness overwhelmed my senses enough for me to move.

Hesitatly he wrapped his arms around me too, but he didn't squeeze me at all like he was afraid he would hurt me.

"It's really you" I cried into his neck as he shushed me gently.

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry I didn't come to get you sooner. If I had noticed you crossed the gate you wouldn't have been in any pain. Fuck it's all my fault I'm sorry, darling. You don't have to forgive me but I promise this won't ever happen again—" He rambled.

A soft quiet laugh made through my lips and I pressed myself closer to him, ignoring the agony.

"It's not your fault, I forgive you" I sobbed out and finally like I wanted he lightly tightened his trap on me but not hard enough to aggravate my I injuries.

"I'm just happy you found me"

I didn't know how he found me but I'm just so relieved I can't give a damn right now.

I felt him press his lips to my temple and we both exhaled; as if the world was lifted from both our shoulders.

"Come on, you should be resting now" he pulled me off himself before guiding me forward a few steps.

He stopped infront of a blurry surface I fell off of and I realized it was his bed. I was in his bedroom.

Relaxing even further I was fully convinced I was safe. So with nothing left to do I gently went into his bed, with his help of course, and he pulled a light cover over me.

As soon as I was somewhat comfortable besides for the occasional aches in my skin I expected him to leave but when the bed dipped next to me I was happy he stayed.

Tears were still streaming down my face so for the comfort of my own sanity I scooted closer to him with his arm wrapped around my waist so he could help pull me flush against his side.

I rested my hand on his stomach as I lied my head on his chest; letting his cool skin through his shirt seep into me.

"Sleep beautiful. I'll be here when you wake up" I heard him whisper into my hair and I rested with the sleep I craved so dearly.

I know this is a bit shorter than other chapters but I wanted to get this one out early since I know I left you on a cliff hanger last time😂

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I know this is a bit shorter than other chapters but I wanted to get this one out early since I know I left you on a cliff hanger last time😂

Also there is no name for this chapter cause I was afraid anything would give away the fact she was safe with Ivan—in short I wanted to freak you out as much as possible 🥰💀

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