Ultimate Betrayal

Start from the beginning

Dee: Sis I'm sorry.

Fatima: That's exactly what the fuck you are, a sorry fucking excuse of a brother. I make sure you fed and you gonna go and do so shit like this to me, the person who makes sure you straight and want for nothing. Like I don't even know who this is, because my brother wouldn't do no shit like this to his own sister.

Dee just sat silent

Fatima: Dee just get the fuck out my face before I say or do something I might regret.

Dee gets up and leaves, because if he knew anything about his sister, he knew that losing their brother Trey just saved his life.

Fatima left and went home.

Zac: Hey baby

Fatima: Hey baby.

She walks up to him and hug and kisses him.

Zac:  Baby why you so tensed, You okay?

Fatima: I need a drink

Zac: Have a seat, I got it.

Fatima went and sat on the couch. And Zac fixed her a drink.

Zac: Here you go.

Fatima: Thank you baby.

Zac: Now tell me what's wrong?

Fatima: Well I found out that Dee been stealing from me.

Zac: Baby noo!!

Fatima: More like baby yess!

Zac: How did you found out.

Fatima: I have cameras, and I saw him clear as day.

Zac: How much did he take.

Fatima: 150k alone with a lil over a quarter mil in product.

Zac: Baby what?

Fatima: Yes. So I confronted him about it and he tried to deny it, until I showed him the video footage.

Zac: And what he do after that?

Fatima: He gonna hit me with some, "sis I'm sorry" and I told him that's exactly what he is "sorry"

Zac: Baby I'm sorry.

Fatima: Baby you have nothing to be sorry for, you didn't do it.

Zac: I know baby but still.

Fatima: Zac I make sure he's fed and wants for nothing. And he does some shit like this to me, out of all people. He not only taking out the mouth of everyone else, but he taking out the mouths of our family.

Zac: Baby what??

Fatima: No baby, I'm not pregnant. I'm talking about our future family. Now that's a half a mil that I got to get back.

Zac: Baby I will give you the money.

Fatima: No baby, you will keep your money, I can get it back easily, it's just the principle of it. You don't steal from the person who's making sure you're fed, you know what I mean.

Zac: I can tell it's hurting you more than anything.

Fatima: Hell yea it hurts. This not some random ass mf, this is my brother. My blood brother at that. Never did I ever think that he would be the one who turn on me.

Zac: I know baby.

Fatima: When I say it took everything in me not to kill him, it literally did. I thought about my brother Trey and my parents, and that's what saved his ass.

Zac: I already know baby. So tell me, what do you need me to do?

Fatima: Take me upstairs.

Zac: Oh yea? That's what you want?

Fatima: Yes!!

Zac picks Fatima up and took her upstairs.

Over at her parents house

Tyrell: So you mean to tell me that Dee, our son, stole 150k plus over a quarter of mil in product from his own sister?

Violet: That's exactly what I'm telling you. And when I say, she was heated, steam was coming from her

Tyrell: Baby girl do so much for him and he repay her by crossing her. The one person that makes sure everyone's good.

Violet: You should have saw the look on her face. She was angry, but she hurt more than anything.

Tyrell: Let me call her.

Violet: Not right now, give her sometime.

Tyrell: Okay then, but ima have to see that son of ours.

Violet: Most definitely. Because you don't pull no shit like this, on your own family at that.

Tyrell: As crazy and sad as this may sound, he lucky she didn't kill his ass. One thing about baby girl, she stand on loyalty and respect. Ones that's gone, it's no coming back.

Violet: She always has, and always will.

Tyrell: And now he's about to see the true definition of reality.

Violet: Yes he is.

Back at Fatima's and Zac

Fatima was lying in bed on Zac's chest.

Fatima: Thank you baby

Zac: For what?

Fatima: For always showing up for me when I need you the most.

Zac: You my baby and one day will be the  future Mrs.Taylor, so I'm always going to show up just like you show up for me.

Fatima: Why you gotta always do that?

Zac: Do what?

Fatima: You can never accept my gratitude instead you always flip it and make it about what I do for you.

Zac: I'm sorry baby. And you're welcome.

Fatima: That's all I ask for.

Zac: You got it, with your mean and feisty self.

Fatima: You think I'm mean?

Zac: Not fr, you just have your moments at times. But I know that you have a lot of trauma wounds that you're healing from, so I understand how some days aren't your best days.

Fatima: I don't ever wanna come off as a bitch.

Zac: And you don't, so leave it at that. We just had some bomb ass sex, and right now I just wanna stay in the moment.

Fatima: Yes papito

Zac: I love you

Fatima: And I love you more.

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