Lunch Date

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Fatima and Zac are back in Philly and Fatima is having lunch date with Kiya.

Fatima: Heyyy best friend. Thanks for meeting me for lunch.

Kiya: Ofc, even though you been neglecting me.

Fatima: I have not. I just been busy.

Kiya: Im just joking. But how was your trip?

Fatima: It's was amazing and just what I needed. Zac is such an amazing man.

Kiya: You look so happy.

Fatima: I am happy. He makes me happy. And I have never met any man like him, not ever. He's really opened me up to love.

Kiya: And you deserve it.

Fatima: Thank you sis.

Kiya: So where is he now? 

Fatima: He had to fly to Atlanta to handle some business.

Kiya: He went by himself?

Fatima: He went with Ty.

Kiya: Oh okay then.

Fatima: Sis I'm getting out the game.

Kiya: You been talking about getting out for a while now.

Fatima: I just want a better life then the one I've been living. And not only that, I want better for myself. I've been in the game for some time now, and I just want out. I want to get married and have a family of my own.

Kiya: I told you that, one day you would. And when you find your person, you'll realize what's important.

Fatima: You definitely did. And now I choose love. I choose to be happy and free.

Kiya: I'm so happy for you, I really am. You've been through so much and honestly, I haven't seen you this happy, not ever.

Fatima: Thank you sis. And I appreciate you sticking with me through everything I've been through in life. You're really the best friend I didn't know I needed. And for that, I'll love you forever.

Kiya: I love you too. And I got you forever, just like you always got me.

Fatima: Always!!

Kiya: So what you about to get into?

Fatima: Go home and wait for my man to get home.

Kiya: I heard that.

Fatima: I think I'm ready to take that next step with him.

Kiya: Wym?

Fatima: Being intimate with him.

Kiya: Y'all haven't been intimate yet?

Fatima: I mean we've shared intimate moments but as far as sex, no we haven't.

Kiya: Girl that man is fine, what you waiting for?

Fatima: I wanted us to connect on a deeper level and just really get to know each other without focusing or even involving sex right off. I just really want this to work out between he and I.

Kiya: You really like him.

Fatima: Kiya I do and I really love him.

Kiya: Damn, baby you deep deep.

Fatima: I really am. ( smiles )

Kiya: I can honestly respect your choice on that. A lot of time we force sex too soon and we miss out on getting to know each other on a deeper level. And next thing you know, we're in a toxic situation.

Fatima: Facts. And I don't want that with Zac and I. I want our foundation to be solid, and not build on physical intimacy.

Kiya: And that's how it should be. Take it from someone who knows all too well about physical intimacy. It's nothing when you can't connect emotionally and mentally. I mean look at Tony and I, we have a good foundation. It might not be perfect, but it's strong enough to hold us up against anything that tries to break us down.

Fatima: You know I love love, and I love what the two of you have. Y'all marriage may not be perfect, but y'all are perfect for each other. And y'all compliment each other so well. Y'all fit.

Kiya: I appreciate that.

Fatima: What you about to get into tho?

Kiya: Probably go home and get a nap in then start dinner before he comes home.

Fatima: That's what I think ima do as well.

Kiya: What time they making it back in?

Fatima: Round 8

Kiya: Okay then.

Fatima: Yea, just enough time to start dinner.

Kiya: Well sis this was nice. Maybe we can have a double date one of these days.

Fatima: A double date sounds nice. And who knows, one day it might be a couples trip.

Kiya: Now that's even better.

Fatima: Well be safe and call me when you make it home.

Kiya: You do the same.

They went their separate ways and as Fatima was driving home Zac calls her.

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