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The Doctor led us through a doorway which opened to reveal a set of stairs. We made our way quietly, the three of us. The fact that Wilfred had joined us was still puzzling. I assumed the Doctor had went to him for information, and in doing so, the old man was now tagging along. Traveling with the Doctor and I wasn't always safe, we'd lost many friends along the way, and I couldn't even imagine losing Donna's grandad. That would destroy her, our Donna. Shaking my head to escape from my thoughts, we continued to descend down the stairs. It wasn't long before we could hear faint voices. The closer we got, the louder they became.

Hiding around a corner, I couldn't help but peek out around it. My eyes landed on an individual who was looking over multiple computers and control panels. What were they working on? "The shatter threads have harmonized, the friable links have densified...and the multiple overshots have triplicated!" Narrowing my eyes in hopes of being able to see what was on the screens this woman was looking at, I didn't even have time to speak before the Doctor stepped out from around the corner and started his approach. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his direct approach. 

He'd stuck his hands in his pockets as he walked closer, and I couldn't help but follow behind him with Wilfred in tow. "Nice Gate." It was obvious that the Doctor's voice caught the woman off guard as she spun around in shock. Something was off about her, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. "Don't try calling security, or I'll tell them you're wearing a Shimmer. Because I reckon anyone wearing a Shimmer doesn't want the Shimmer to be noticed, or they wouldn't need a Shimmer in the first place." That was it! A shimmer! That's what I was sensing, but it had been so long since I'd seen someone use one, that I couldn't tell what it was right away like the Doctor could. 

The woman swallowed thickly as she looked at all three of us, no doubt confused on how all of us made it past security. "What's a shimmer?" In response to the woman's words, the Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it at her, buzzing it twice. Instantly the shimmer that was around the woman faded, revealing her true green form. In my opinion she was beautiful. 

"Oh my Lord she's a cactus!" Wilfred's voice broke the momentary silence that fell between us all as the woman realized her cover was blown. 

Reaching over, I patted Wilfred on the shoulder a few times to reassure him this was normal to see for the Doctor and I. All of a sudden a voice came through the speakers. "Miss Addams?" The voice called, and when there was no response from the woman, her name came over the speakers again. "Miss Addams?" 

While the Doctor was busy with Miss Addams, if that was even her real name, I walked over to the many control panels and computers that were placed in the room. The information that ran across the screens was amazing. I hadn't seen anything like this in years. It was the sound of incoming footsteps that took my attention away from the computers and towards the doorway. In stormed a man and before he could even speak, the Doctor stuck out his arm and sonicked the man, disabling his shimmer. He was green to! They were both green little people! 

I couldn't help but feel excited at the sight of these two people. It had been so long since I'd seen there race in person that I couldn't even remember their name. "Shimmer!" The Doctor chimed, and once again I rolled my eyes at his actions. "Now, tell me quickly, what's going on? The Master, Harold Saxon, Skeletor, whatever you're calling him, what's he doing up there?" A chill made its way through my veins at the sound of the Master's name, I couldn't help it, he'd tortured the both of us for a very long time. Even though we had gone back and made sure that line of time never happened, it was still very real to us. Even if no one else remembered.

The man that had joined us not long ago shook his head, according to his name tag, his name was Rossiter. "I checked the readings. He's done good work. It's operational." It was obvious he was nervous as he spoke to us. I couldn't blame him, he'd been exposed as soon as he'd walked in the door, which is something I knew he wasn't expecting. 

In And Through The Body  [ Doctor Who | sequel to A Man With Sins ]Where stories live. Discover now