Chapter One - The Unfortunate News

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Authors Note -

This story is not my own concept. I have taken a lot of inspiration from the book and show "Good Omens". This is a fan base written work. All creative ideas in this fan written piece belong to Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. The only character not from the original book and show is Alexandria.

Hope y'all enjoy!


Prologue -

Our story begins in the Soho district of London. Among the many streets and busy stores, one in particular never draws attention to the people of this planet. The store was a gorgeous five-floor Victorian townhouse that had been converted into a bookshop for over 100+ years. The bookshop's name was "A.Z. Fell and Co," and the owner was not your ordinary human, in fact, not human at all. Aziraphale had called this bookshop their home and safe haven for quite some time now. After all, being a celestial being sent down to guard and protect the inhabitants of Earth, one needs one's place to recharge and relax. Aziraphale was an angel with a sunny disposition. That had a way of rubbing off on those they hung around. No matter the circumstance, Aziraphale always finds the good in it. Over the last 6,000 years, they have always helped humans and has grown very attached to humankind, even with their mistakes.

Aziraphale wasn't the only inhabitant in this store. Alexandria had been by Aziraphale's side since the creation of the Garden of Eden. Aziraphale was assigned to watch the Eastern Wall, Alexandria, the Southern Wall. This is where the seed of friendship was planted for both of these celestial beings. And since the dawn of humanity, the two have nurtured that seed until it grew into a beautiful friendship. Aziraphale feels as if they are Alexandria's older sibling, and they must protect them. Of course, they knew Alexandria could handle herself, but that didn't stop Aziraphale's protective instincts from kicking in occasionally.

Over the years, Aziraphale and Alexandria have traveled all across the globe, spreading peace, prosperity, and kindness. But goodness hasn't been the only thing making its way worldwide. Angels are not the only spiritual beings assigned to Earth, watching over Adam and Eve's descendants. Demons also roam the Earth, and no, I am not talking about the little red man on your shoulder with red skin and pointy horns. They can be beautiful and blend in quite naturally with humans. The demon assigned to Earth for the longest time goes by Crowley. They epitomizes temptation—a slick and sophisticated entity with a penchant for sharp dressing. Their most unique quality is their golden snake-like eyes that always hold a glimmer of mischief in their depths. However, don't let that demonic exterior scare you away. Surprisingly, they have a human side to them, one that causes them to question both the status quo of Hell and Heaven.

For the past 6,000 years, Crowley has been running into Aziraphale and Alexandria all over the Globe. The beginning for the three was rough, don't get me wrong. Demons and Angels don't really see eye to eye on everything. But somehow, along the way, the three have formed an unlikely friendship. And now more than ever, their friendship is about to be tested.

Things are about to change for the dynamic trio as Heaven and Hell begin to plan for Armageddon, which will cause the destruction of Earth. Not wanting to lose the place that all three of them have grown to love, they have to team up to save Earth from Armageddon. But along the way, feelings get mixed up, and Alexandria realizes Heaven isn't the good guys like she thought. And Hell isn't as evil as she expected. Crowley and Aziraphale have begun to show her a different world than she expected, and Alexandria begins to develop feelings for Crowley. But how can she tell Aziraphale? What will happen if Heaven finds out Alexandria has fallen in love with a fallen Angel? Can the three save Earth? What happens when Alexandria discovers Crowley feels the same way?

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