Chapter 4

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I walked in and was greeted by a very angry 'mother'. "WHERE WERE YOU!?" She screamed. I suddenly felt like I might cry.

"Um,. . .I was hanging out with. . .Kayano?" I said. It was the best excuse I had. Suddenly, she visibly became nicer.

"Oh! Your little green haired friend, is that right?" She asked in a sweet tone that made me sick.

"Y-Yeah!" I said, trying not to make it too obvious that I was lying.

"It's so nice that you made some girl friends for one! Now, why don't you change out of those ugly boys' clothes!" She said. The part about boys' clothes she had said in a colder tone than the part about female friends.

"Sure!" I said nervously. I walked up the stairs to my room and changed into a light blue summer dress my mom bought me a while ago. I then pulled out my phone and texted Karma.

You: 'Can I spend the night if my mom lets me?'

❤️Karma❤️: 'Ofc!'

You: 'Tysm!'

I quickly ran down the steps in the dress I was wearing at showed my mom, I didn't like wearing dresses, so if she said I could stay at "Kayano's" house I would pack mens' clothing.

"You look so nice! Nagisa-chan!" She said. I felt sad when she called me 'chan' because I'm a boy and wish that she would except it.

"Um. . .can I go to Kayano's house for a sleepover?" I asked. She looked overjoyed.

"Aw! A sleepover with one of your girlfriends! Sure thing!" I let out a nervous chuckle because of the fact that I'm a guy, and she said girlfriends, which made me sound like a player. I walked up to her and hugged her. Even though I was in a dress and she called me by girl pronouns and honorifics, moments like this, it felt like she loved me, and that made me so happy.

"Thank you! I'll go pack my bag!" I said, zooming up the stairs to pack.


I was lying on my bed, looking at the ceiling when my phone buzzed. I looked at the notification and realized it was a text from Nagisa.

💙💙💙💙💙💙: 'My mom said yes!'

You: 'Realy? How'd you convince her?'

💙💙💙💙💙: 'I asked her to stay the night at Kayano's, so she'd be more likely to say yes. And PLEASE don't make fun of me for the outfit I'll arrive in! My mom made me!'

You: 'Oh? Send a pic😈'


You: 'Why are you so mean to me Nagi?'

💙💙💙💙💙: 'Because you deserve it. I'll be there in ten.'

You: 'I left the door unlocked, so when you get here, go ahead and open it. See you in ten, Nagi~'

I set my phone down and got up to start tidying up. I picked my dirty laundry up off the floor and threw it in my hamper. Then, I organized the papers on my desk. Then I realized I left something on my bed that Nagisa could never see.

It was a photo album filled with pictures of Nagisa, one of many. I opened to a random page and smiled at the pictures. Pictures of Nagisa walking home, pictures of him eating at cafés, sleeping, showering, changing. Pictures of MY beautiful Nagisa. I had at least thirty albums filled with pictures of him. I sighed a lovesick kind of way. 'I should shower.' I thought. I walked into the bathroom and started running the water.


❤️Karma❤️: 'I left the door unlocked, so when you get here, go ahead and open it. See you in ten, Nagi~'

I rolled my eyes and began walking to his house.

(Time skip cuz he doesn't do anything interesting)

I opened the door because he told me I could just walk in and walked in. His house was dim and quiet, most likely because he's the only one there most of the time. I walked up to his room and knocked on the door. No reply. I knocked again. No reply. I knocked once more. No reply. Because no one answered, I just walked right in. When I walked in, I noticed the sound of a running shower. 'So that's why no one answered.' I thought. I set my bag down on his bed and opened it, beginning to pull out the pair of clothes I packed so that I wouldn't have to wear this girly thing. Then, I noticed an open book on the other side of the bed.

Out of pure curiosity, I walked over to the other side of the bed and looked in it. It was full of stalker pictures of me. Some of them were of me sleeping. I turned the page and saw pictures of me showering. I turned the page again and saw pictures of me changing. I flipped towards the back of the book and saw that most of the slots were empty. Then I saw a picture of me from today, when I was walking home.

Then, I heard the water stop and the door open.

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