Chapter 2

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He finally sat back down after looking at Kayano like he might kill her and waving. I love that he looks at anyone who talks to me like that, but how he looks at me like I'm precious, like I'm something he can't bare to lose. He kept making my face blush redder and redder because he thought I was sick and wanted to walk me to the main campus. He even put his hand on my forehead! Not only that, but he put his hand on my shoulder, too! I think I might die of joy!

I looked over at his desk, my cheeks still pink. He was staring into space with an evil, toothy smile on his face, and he crazy glint in his eyes. He looked so hot like that! I wonder who could be thinking so violently about. Kayano, maybe? If he is, then I want to see him make that look more!

My cheeks were now as red as his hair. Just looking at him with such a horrifying face was making me blush! I decided to take my chances and began talking to Kayano again, hoping Karma would glare at her like he wanted her dead. "So, you were telling me about what Rio said?" I said, hoping Karma would look this way.

"Oh, yeah! So get this! Yesterday, me and Rio were at the arcade playing that basketball game, and Rio said,'Karma would love to play with big balls!'" She begun laughing, but I wasn't. I just gave her a look that said,'What's so funny?' and she stopped laughing. "It's funny because Karma is a fa-" I slammed my hands down before she could finish that sentence, gaining the whole classes' attention.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. You should never call someone something so rude just because of their sexual orientation." I shot her a glare, showing I was pissed. "Do I make myself clear." At first, her mouth was hanging open, but she shut it now and nodded.

I got up and walked out of class. How could she even think about saying such a thing just because he's gay? I mean, seriously! What is wrong with people!? I walked into the forest next to 3-E, too mad to talk to anyone else. That's when I heard someone walking behind me. It was probably Kayano trying to apologize, even though she should apologize to Karma. I turned around and saw a certain red head who made my heart beat rapidly. "Hey, Nagi~" He said in an attractive voice. As he said it, he cocked his head to the side and grinned.

"K-Karma!" I exclaimed, honestly surprised to see him. He walked over to me. "I, uh! I'm sorry for making that loud noise earlier!" I apologized in a loud voice. My cheeks were red again. He chuckled a bit and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it! Also, thanks for calling that bitch out! She was really getting on my nerves!" He said grinning at me the whole time. My face was so red that I could feel the steam radiating off the top of my head. I was studdering nonsense, too flustered to say any real words. Apparently, Karma found this hilarious because he was laughing nonstop. He took his hand off my shoulder and placed it on his knee bent over. He was laughing extremely hard. I put my hands over my face, embarrassed. I heard the laughter decrease and took my hands off my face. When he was calming down, he stood up right and wiped a tear from his eye. "Sorry, Nagi. You were just so damn cute! I realize now that you weren't sick earlier, only flustered. Sorry if that made things worse." He took a deep breath and released it. He looked refreshed. I don't get to hear him genuinely laugh often, so hearing that again made me so happy. I smiled and looked at him.

"Wanna go home together?" I asked. He placed his right hand down onto my left shoulder, bent down to my right side, and whispered into my ear,

"I would go anywhere with you, Nagisa."

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