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• t h r e e •

-two weeks later-

You: Hey Tony, you okay?

Brother: Better thanks...

You: please never try again.

You: we all love you too much.

Brother: no you don't...

You: why do you think that?

Brother: dad never messages me.

Brother: the last time he messaged me was when you went on tour, LAST YEAR.

Brother: mom shoved me out of her life when I told her Jessi was pregnant when we were teenagers, even though it was just a scare.

Brother: you barely message me

Brother: but that's understandable having tour and all...

Brother: I'm always alone.

Brother: any woman that tries to get close to me finds out your famous and goes for you.

You: Anthony that doesn't mean you should kill yourself.

You: we all still love you.

You: dad does that to everyone.

You: Mom was young and didn't want a grand kid yet.

You: and if they wanted to be with me, I never paid attention too them, you know I've always loved (your name).

Brother: I guess...

You: please stop, for me...

Brother: okay...

You: promise on Nona's grave.

Brother: i promise.


Bit of a longer chapter :)

Suicide Note {ronnie radke}Where stories live. Discover now