Into the Abyss

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The imposing façade of the Westbrook Asylum, shrouded in mist and darkness. Lightning flashes in the sky, casting eerie shadows on the crumbling architecture. Inside, the corridors echo with the faint sounds of distant screams and whispers.

Pete, the aggressive patient, paces back and forth in his cell, his hands trembling with suppressed rage. His eyes glow with a faint, otherworldly light as he struggles to control the energy crackling beneath his skin.

Pete, gritting his teeth: "Keep it together, Pete. Don't let them see you lose control again."

" But it's always there, isn't it? That seething rage, waiting to burst forth like a dam about to break. You're not like them, Pete."

"You're different. You're special. But special doesn't mean better. Special means dangerous. And dangerous means locked away in this godforsaken place."

Babe, the violent patient, sits on the edge of her bed, his hands clenched into fists. he glares at the walls with a mixture of anger and frustration.

Babe, aggressively:  "What do you want, walls? Another round of mind games? You think you can break me?"

"You think you can tame the beast inside? Well, you're wrong. Dead wrong. Because I'm not some docile little lamb waiting to be led to slaughter."

" I'm a force of nature, a hurricane of fury and defiance. And no one, not even you, can contain me."

Jeff, the silent patient, sits in the corner of his cell, his gaze fixed on a spot on the floor. He clutches a tattered notebook to his chest, his fingers tracing the faded pages.

Jeff, whispering to himself: "They can't hurt me if I don't listen. They can't hurt me if I don't listen."

"But they're always there, aren't they? Whispering in my ear, clawing at the edges of my mind. The voices. The shadows."

" They follow me wherever I go, like a shadow I can never shake. But I won't let them win. I won't let them take me. I'll fight, even if it means fighting alone."

Dean, the innocently maniacal patient, sits cross-legged on his bed, a manic grin plastered across his face. He hums a tuneless melody as he fiddles with a piece of string.

Dean, singing softly: "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are... You think you can understand me, don't you? You think you can dissect my mind like some lab experiment gone wrong."

" But you can't. Because I'm not like the others. I'm not just another cog in the machine. I'm the spark that ignites the flame. I'm the chaos that brings order to the madness. And you, my friend, are in for one hell of a ride."

Kenta, the savage patient, paces restlessly in his cell, his movements animalistic and feral. He growls low in his throat, his eyes darting around the room for any sign of danger.

Kenta, snarling: "Let me out. Let me out now. This cage can't hold me forever. I'll break free, tear through these walls like paper."

" They think they can tame the beast, chain it down with their pretty words and false promises. But they're wrong. Dead wrong. Because the beast will always find a way to escape. And when it does, woe betide anyone who stands in its path."

North, the sarcastic patient, lounges on his bed, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He rolls his eyes at the chaos unfolding around him.

North, mockingly: "Well, this is entertaining. Who's up for a game of "Escape the Asylum"? Oh wait, that's right. We're all trapped in here, doomed to wander these halls for all eternity."

" But hey, at least we've got front-row seats to the greatest show on earth. The show where sanity goes to die and madness reigns supreme. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Because it's gonna be one hell of a journey."

As the patients struggle in their cells, their individual demons and inner turmoil threaten to consume them. The stage is set for a journey into the depths of the human mind, where secrets, mysteries, and untold horrors await.


Author's note: If you guys like it please tell me so I'll give you guys daily update. If not then I'll update it weekly.  I hope you liked it... Please show some love bubbly pumpkins... I'll see u guys in next episode till then take care of yourselves and I love you all💕✌🏻

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