Extract #8

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"Seriously? You have got to be kidding me! We've been risking our necks and you've been sitting on your ass in an office playing matchmaker?" Maria's words were sharp and hot, charged with fury and indignation. The effect was slightly spoiled by the fact that she was blushing.

The chief chuckled as he stepped inside, shoving his office door shut behind him, "Well, good morning to you too, Agent Kirova. Might I ask why you broke into my office to shout at me? I am your boss, you know."

"You're a manipulative little shit! You've been making me work with him for... stupid, set-up, romcom reasons! All that rubbish about me needing back-up! I knew damn well I could handle those last three assignments alone!"

He clicked his tongue, "You're ranting, my dear, I know you're sharper than that. Anyway, I didn't say you needed back-up. I said you needed a partner. And you do, anyone could tell you're lonely, even if they can't tell when you're stealing their state secrets from under their noses."

Maria gave a long, deep sigh. This was the trouble with confronting the chief. He would respond with amusement and fatherly concern, and she would find it hard to hold onto the anger.

"I knew you had something up your sleeve after the flares you gave us formed love-heart shapes. That's why I came here. And you have a whole damn file about it on your computer. Really, sir? You could have been subtler."

That only received another chuckle.

"And another thing. Why, of all the people in the Agency, did you have to choose to set me up with... Steve?"

It was the older man's turn to sigh, "Well, after the Agency got his wife killed, I felt I really ought to do something. Besides, you two have had this cute, banter thing going on from day one."

"We hated one another!" She pointed out, frustrated.

"Past tense, huh?" He grinned. "So it worked?"

The red of her cheeks deepened, and she looked away, "He saved my life back in Helsinki. He isn't the idiot he seemed. I said I'd give him a chance."

"Brilliant! How does Paris sound? We have some business that needs handling there, and expenses could be stretched to a romantic getaway..."

"...We'll take it." The muttered agreement was reluctant and a little petulant, but it came anyway.

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