an unexpected guest

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A few days after Izuku met Katsuki's friends, he was getting ready to go to the hospital

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A few days after Izuku met Katsuki's friends, he was getting ready to go to the hospital. He had to have his wounds checked out, and if the doctor said so, he could take his sling off.

Izuku was dragging Katsuki to his rented car, rambling quickly.

"Come on, Kacchan, hurry up! I can't wait to get this thing off my arm. it's so annoying. Hurry up!"

Katsuki chuckled, finding it very amusing as the greenette held his hand tightly, dragging him.

"Oi, slow the fuck down Deku, I know your excited as shit, but slow down, damn"

The blonde said chuckling. Izuku couldn't help it. He was excited. If the doctor gave him the all-clear, he could use his arm again like normal.

The two arrived at Izuku's rented car, and Katsuki opened the door for him, in which Izuku gave him a sweet smile and got in the car. Katsuki walked to the drivers side, getting in also.

"So, your excited as fuck huh?"

The blonde said with a slow smirk, the car engine roaring to life.

Izuku nodded happily.

"Yes! I'm so excited. I can't wait to get this thing off!"

The blonde chuckled and started driving to the hospital, which honestly wasn't that far away.

It was only a 20-minute drive before the two arrived at the hospital, and Izuku was waiting to be seen.

"Urgh, what's taking so long?" He whined, making a blonde chuckle.

"Calm down, Deku. They have other shitty extras to see to you know"

Izuku groaned. He had been waiting another 20 minutes after they arrived to be seen, and he started to get agitated. In the army, you were seen to and dealt with straight away, so he got used to not having to wait around.

After what felt like hours, Izuku's name was finally called, and he leapt from his chair in excitement, following the doctor to a room, where he took a seat anxiously.

"Well, Mr Midoryia. You're here for your arm and shoulder, correct?"

The doctor asked, looking at his computer files.

"Yes, sir. They told me I would only need to wear this for a couple of weeks. It feels much better"

He said with a smile.

The doctor smiled at him, standing up and walking over to Izuku.

"I'm going to take this off now, and I want you to rotate your shoulder and your arm, I need to see if everything is okay with your movement, and if anything aches or hurts when you move it alright"

Izuku nodded, letting the doctor take the sling off his arm. He slowly started to rotate it like the doctor had asked him to. It felt stiff at first, but nothing hurt or ached.

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