Catching up

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When you miss someone, someone close to you, it feels like the world has stopped moving

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When you miss someone, someone close to you, it feels like the world has stopped moving. You miss them that deeply and intensely that nothing else can compare to it. Katsuki and Izuku, for four years, missed each other like the world had stopped moving. One never not thinking about the other. And when you're reunited, it's such a beautiful and emotional thing.

Katsuki furrowed his brows. He knew Izuku wouldn't stay here forever. He had duties in the army that he couldn't just leave behind. He would have to miss his nerd all over again and worry about him all over again, and that was just something he didn't want to do.

"Deku... how long are you staying for?" He asked, surprising himself at the gentleness of the words

Izuku furrowed his brows. He actually hadn't been given any information on when he would he redeployed, something he would have to find out.

"Well, kacchan, I actually haven't been given any information on my next deployment, so I'm not entirely sure. But I will let you know as soon as I find out, okay?"

The blonde nodded. He didn't like not knowing, but there was nothing he could do.

"So, you're staying with your mom whilst you're back?" He asked.

He wanted Izuku to stay with him. He knew the greenette had missed his mom, but Katsuki missed him to, if not more. His missing puzzle peice had finally come home, and fuck if he wanted him out of his sight again. Especially with his wounds. He would definitely be rebandaging those after he looked over them, he thought.

Izuku scrunched his face, he was planning on staying with his mother, but when he got home, she had told him that repairs were being done on his old room, and she didn't have a spare room for him to stay. He was going to figure something out after he had seen Katsuki again.

"Well.. actually, mom's house is having some repairs right now. So I can't stay there for a while. So I figured I would book and stay at a hotel for a few weeks, he said, shrugging.

Katsuki silently thanked any God out there right now that this was the case. Should he ask Izuku to stay with him? Hell yeah, he would. He smirked and chucked low, and Izuku thought he might pass out from the sound.

"Well, Deku.. you could always come stay at my place. I mean, it's nothing fancy, but at least it's free, right? And I'll be there, " He winked, making the greenette laugh softly.

"Ah, well, that wouldn't be so bad. I mean, I have missed you a bunch, and seeing you every day is definitely a bonus." He said with his own playfulness.

This made a blonde raise an eyebrow with a smirk and chuckle. It was deep and low.

"Well, fuck.. come on then. Let's go get your shit nerd. "

The two left the garage in Kirishima's capable hands while they went and grabbed Izuku's things. Katsuki didn't bring his car, as he came to work on his bike. They had decided to just walk back to Izuku's mom's since it wasn't that far.

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