Truths and Confessions

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"Let's go to my office

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"Let's go to my office. I wanna talk to you and shit without any extras around"

Izuku nodded and followed the blonde to his office. He looked around the shop as he walked and noticed a lot of bikes, some Katsuki's, some Kirishima's, and some customers that are awaiting repairs.

A few stairs later, and the two were walking into the blondes office, and Izuku looked around the space.

The walls were an off-white colour, with a few pictures of different motorcycles on the walls, there was a beautiful wooden desk in the room, with a computer and some paperwork on it. There was also a picture on the desk of the two when they were kids, and it brought a smile to Izuku's face as he looked at it.

He was soon broken from his trance when he heard Katuski's voice


"Huh? What?" He tilted his head slightly, and Katsuki thought it was the cutest thing he ever saw.

"I asked if you were okay?" He said, nodding to the greenettes arm.

Izuku frowned. He knew what he was about to say was going to make Katsuki angry. But he had to tell him.

"Oh, um... yeah, it's quite painful, but it will heal, I guess, " He said, shrugging slightly.

"What happened. Did you get medically discharged or some shit? The fuck did you even do to it anyway?" The blonde asked with a low tone and serious face.

Izuku furrowed his brows and took a deep breath. He knew Katsuki wasn't going to like this.

"Well.. I got shot, " He mumbled, but Katsuki heard it. He definitely heard it.

Did he just say he was shot? He got shot!

"You what? How? When? Is it okay? Do you need to go the fucking hospital or something?" He asked in a panicked voice.

Izuku took a seat on the opposite side of Katsuki facing him. He frowned slightly, remembering the events that took place not too long ago.

"Well. Yes, it hurts. I was shot in my arm and in my shoulder..." He reluctantly said with a frown still in place. He wasn't looking into Katsuki's crimson eyes. Instead, he was looking at the wooden desk.

"What happened Izuku? How did you get shot. Not only fucking once but twice. Shit." He stood up and walked over to Izuku, crouching down beside him, looking up at him.

Izuku looked down to the male crouched infront of, looking at him with those Crimson red eyes.

"I uh.. me and my squad had to go scout some place. We were under the impression it was a safe zone.. boy, were we wrong" He started tearing up. Recalling every detail.

The blonde looked at him with concern, squeezing his knee for reassurance.

Izuku continued, "It all happened so fast, Kacchan. we got to the building we were supposed to scout from. But we were ambushed, and before I knew it... everyone around me was shot down. I shot back, I got as many as I could, I hid behind a broken part of the wall, shooting whenever I heard something move. " Izuku shook his head at the thought.

"Eventually, I ran out of bullets, and i knew I had to get out of there. I looked behind the wall, making sure no one was there and when I did.. I saw my friends... they were all dead, Kacchan, and I couldn't do anything to help them, I ran, and I ran as fast as I could. My gear was weighing me down, and bullets were being shot at me. I dodged as many as I could. But two hit me, and I fell down. First, my shoulder. Then my arm. I was covered in dirt, and I didn't know what was happening. I took the strength I had and moved behind a small ridge in the ground. It hid me enough to give me some time. I threw a grenade in their direction, but there were so many. But soon, just as I was about to give up, a tank pulled up and was shooting at them. And then I blacked out from blood loss, I assume." He finished with a shaky voice and teary eyes

The blonde looked at him with worry. Then, he furrowed his brows, he didn't even realise the tears that had fallen from his eyes.

"You nearly died? When the fuck did this happen Izuku?" He stood up running his hands through his blonde spikes.

Izuku knew it's only been a day since the incident. It happened yesterday, and he was discharged and on his way home the very same day.

"Yesterday. It happened yesterday, Kacchan."

The blonde was pacing now. He was confused, fuck he wanted to kill the bastard who shot his Deku. He wanted to hunt them down and rip their goddamm throat out for hurting the greenette.

Izuku was stood up now, panic lacing his voice as he reached his unharmed hand out to the blonde.

"Kacchan? Are.. are you okay?" He asked softly. He knew the firey blonde wasn't okay. But he had to make sure.

Katsuki stopped his pacing and walked closer to the greenette, placing both hands on his cheeks. He looked at him with glassy eyes. His Deku, the only man he ever loved nearly died yesterday and he couldn't do anything about it.

Before the greenette could say anything, the blonde smashed his lips against Izuku's, his face becoming wet from salty tears from Crimson eyes.

After a few minutes the blonde broke the kiss for air. Fuck breathing, he could kiss this little shit all day.

"Um.. Kacchan. Wha..what was that for?" He asked, unsure of the blondes sudden movements. They weren't a couple, but Izuku did love him.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Deku. I wasn't even thinking. I was so damn mad and upset, and the thought of losing you like that, shit it made me crazy. I don't want to lose you Deku. I love you to damn much" He confessed. He didn't know if Izuku felt the same, but it was definitely worth a shot.

Izuku teared up, yes he was in the army and a total badass on the field but, he was still a crybaby at heart. Especially when it came to Katsuki.

"Deku?! Don't cry, that wasnt supposed to make you cry dammit" He said with a chuckle, wiping away those stray tears from the greenettes face.

"I'm sorry Kacchan, I'm still a crybaby when it comes to you I guess. But.. I.. I love you to Kacchan, I always have and gosh I missed you so much" He said resting his forehead on the blondes.

Katsuki smiled. Genuinely smiled for the first time in four long years. He was finally happy that his Deku was back to him, and he wouldn't want it any other way, his brows then furrowed. Deku wouldn't be staying forever right?

No, he wouldn't. He would eventually be going back right? He would be leaving him again soon. But when?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of love and War 🧡💚Stay tuned its not over yet

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter of love and War 🧡💚
Stay tuned its not over yet

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