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The sun had rose indicating a new day had been started

They had woke up an hour ago and they all got down of the train

They reached Seoul, the place where their problems started

But this time they felt different, they didn't feel burden like last time

Because they had answers to their problems

When they came out apple and mango were already waiting for them

Others were confused but Taehyun reassured them

They sat inside their car as apple drove him to a location

He stopped the car infront a apartment
By the exterior it gave rich and cozy vibes

They all entered the lift and went to seventh floor

Then they found a number 017

He gave the key to Taehyun as he passed it to Soobin

Soobin was confused

Taehyun:"Our new home hyung"

Soobin widen his eye

He hesitantly opened the door

It had a cozy vibe with pastel coloured wall

It had two bedrooms and it was a lovely apartment

All of them entered inside and were awed by the apartment

Soobin turned towards them and bowed to them

Soobin:"Thank you for your help"

Apple:"You all are like our little brothers, no need to thank us"

Mango:"No need to worry as our boss has already paid the advance and rent of this house for next three months"

Everybody were speechless

Soobin:"Who is your boss?"

Mango:"You will know soon"

Apple:"It was nice meeting you guys and we will meet often. Myself Chris"

Mango:"And i am Mark"

They introduced them with their real name and all of them smiled

Later Soobin prepared them lunch as they enjoyed eating along with Chris and Mark

Later they all decided to go to Kai's house

Kai knocked the door and waited for them to open the door

His mother opened the door and her eyes immediately turned glossy

She hugged him as he hugged her back

Mom:"How have you been. Where were you"

Kai:"Am fine mom don't worry"

Then she noticed his friends standing behind him

She invited them inside and they sat on the couch

His mother noticed Kai and she could feel the change in him

He seemed more matured than a small boy

His dad along with his sister came and saw Kai

They both were happy but his dad didn't show and his sister didn't know how to show it

Dad:"How have you been?"

Kai:"Good after I met them"

He turned towards Yn and other boys and smiled

Dad:"I am sorry my son"

Kai just nodded his head

He didn't feel anything inside his heart
He gazed at his dad and said

Kai:"I want to pursue my dream in gaming and i want to stay in Soobin hyung and Taehyun's apartment"

His friends were shocked at his confession but they respected his decision

Mom:"You can stay with us baby-"


He cut her off

Her eyes started to tear again

His dad saw how Kai was sitting there without any emotions

He had called him disgrace and what not, so he respects the decision of his son

Dad:"But on one condition. I'll pay for education and your part of the rent"

Kai agreed to his dad

He spent his last day with his family and had dinner with them along with his friends

He turned back last time towards his house and sighed

He then went to the apartment with his suitcase where Soobin and Taehyun were staying

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