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After what seemed like ten minutes
Soobin started walking towards them

Dokyeom stood where he was and his back was facing Yn and others

Soobin had a angry face which slightly worried Yeonjun and Beomgyu

Soobin came and held Yn's hand and started dragging her towards the opposite direction

Yn:"Soobin what happened? What did Dokyeom talked to you"

Soobin:"He is not right for you Yn. Come lets go"

Yn's heart broke hearing his words and she tried to resist

Beomgyu:"What happened hyung? What did he tell you?"

Soobin glared at him while dragging Yn as he decided to keep quiet

They knew something had gone wrong in their conversation which angered Soobin and they decided not to mess with Soobin's anger

Soobin took them back to the place where he and other three boys were staying

Yn held Soobin's hand who was about to go inside the room

Yn:"Soobin please tell me what he said to you"

She said as lone tear escaped her eyes
He gently wiped her tears and said

Soobin:"Yn let's solve this problem first then we will find a way to convince him alright. Trust me, we and boys need you and we all need each other"

Yn nodded her head and she sat down on the sofa

Beomgyu sat next to her as she kept her head on his shoulder

Beomgyu:"Y-yn did you fo-forgive me?"

Yn:"I know there is a reason behind your outburst Beomgyu and it's okay. We are friends and fights are common but i trust you guys"

Beomgyu hugged her as she hugged him back

She started crying as he patted her head


She whispered

He patted her back and broke the hug

Beomgyu:"We will kick his ass and kidnap him don't worry"

Yn smiled and nodded her head

It was night time as Soobin had prepared dinner for them

He called everybody and they all sat and ate their dinner

Then they decided to sit in the garden and talk their heart out

It was a comfortable silence at first

Taehyun:"How strange is destiny. I didn't know running away from my home would make me earn such true friends"

Yeonjun:"I would be in heaven if this little cry baby didn't save me"

Beomgyu:"How can you be sure you would go to heaven?"

Yeonjun:"I'm not a brat like you"

Beomgyu:"Yaah I am a brat who punched a policemen"

All of them started laughing

Soobin:"I don't regret now being kicked out of the house"

Yn:"Me too but the difference is i ran away"

They kept quite for few minutes

Soobin:"I want to tell all my problems to you guys. I trust you more than my life"

Yeonjun:"Who's starting then"

Yeonjun asked with a small smile

Kai:"I will start it hyung"

Kai said with smile

RUNAWAY (TXT FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora