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After the battle was finally over, both Kraang, Shredder and Baxter Stockman were arrested by the Utrom. Since they can't go to a normal human prison for obvious reasons, they were sentenced to be in the Utrom prison in Dimension X. as for Bebop and Rocksteady, who turned over a new leaf, went to join the turtles' side and now lives with them and the other good mutants. Due to being spotted on camera of their battle, April, Casey and Irma became heroes of the school, of course their parents were a little mad, but they forgive their children as they were only doing the right thing. Fugitoid became a private teacher for the mutants, who were learning a lot of stuff, like not to mess with the robot or get hit by a psychic attack from him, which Raphael and Michelangelo learned the hard way. The big battle has caught the attention of everyone in the city, and thanks to April and her friends, they managed to convinced the public that the mutants were their allies, not enemies like Kraang or Shredder. Now that the public sees the turtles and the other mutants as heroes, they can live normal lives in New York, of course they do tend to get some fans every now and then due to how awesome they are and all that. With Shredder gone, Karai was the new master of the Foot clan, and promises to make a brighter future for the clan from now on, in honor of her true father, Hamato Yoshi, AKA Master Splinter. The good mutants decided to form their own team, calling themselves the Mighty Mutanimals, with Mona Lisa being the leader of the team. As for Murakami, his Pizza gyōza has become very famous nowadays as it was a favorite to the Turtles, who are now New York's heroes. Now, the turtles were practicing their moves, when April came to the scene. April: "Guys!, we got a problem." Leonardo: "What is it?" Donatello: "Did something bad happened on your date with Casey?" Michelangelo: "Did something happened to the pizza guy?!" Raphael: "Mona Lisa has a boyfriend?!" April: "Uh... noun of those... Shredder and Kraang have escaped!" Turtles: "What?!" yelped the turtles in shock, before Splinter came to the scene. Splinter: "Are you sure?" April: "Yeah, one of the robots of Kraang came to my place and gave me this recorded message." said April, before she puts down a disk that shows a hologram of both Kraang and the Shredder. Kraang: "Greetings Turtles, by the time you got this message, Shredder and I have already broken out of prison and now on the way to Earth in the Technodrome." Shredder: "Prepare to meet your end Hamato Yoshi, for this time... you're about to die in my hand..." Kraang: "The same goes for you blasted turtles and all those who call you friend, ta ta for now..." said Kraang, before the hologram vanished as the message came to an end. Raphael: "Great... just when we thought we seen the last of those creeps..." Splinter: "Evil never goes away completely, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do something about it." Leonardo: "He's right, we better get moving and take them down." Donatello: "And I got some new gadgets that should help us." April: "That's great." Michelangelo: "Awesome!, let's do this!" Leonardo: "Let's do this..." Splinter: "Cowabunga! [everyone looked at him in surprise] ha, I made a funny!" said Splinter, which made everyone laugh. all: "Cowabunga!" called out everyone, as they head out to stop Shredder and Kraang once again. And that's the story of how the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles became the heroes of New York city... this version at least.


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