Chapter 13 // The Roller Skating Palace

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Svênjâ and I met Donna at the Detroit Airport. It was almost out of town, so the perfect spot for us to meet. 

Due to the fact that we didn't have our own car, Donna brought her black city jeep. 

Donna looked overly tired and so I offered to drive. She looked a bit relieved as we let her have the whole back seat for herself so she could sleep.

With Svênjâ as my navigation system, we found the way pretty quickly. 

We made a little detour over the west side of Ohio to avoid every kind of trouble as we stumbled over the small district Convincton in Ohio. 

Donna was still asleep on the backseat and Svênjâ became increasingly tired. 

Searching the internet, Svênjâ found some 'Scooter's Roller Palace' which was quite popular among teenagers. 

So with a little luck, we found the 'Roller Palace'. 

Svênjâ was asleep too, but I was to impatient to wait in the car for them. 

I wrote a quick note, saying I was inside and they should call me if they were awake. 

After a three hours drive, I was in desperate need of some caffeine. 

As I looked at the menu, they had of course no fancy drinks. But they had coke. And waffles. 

So I ordered waffles and a coke for me and sat down next to the roller rink. 

Children from four to seventeen years whizzed across the roller rink. 

A woman of colour, like five years older than me or so, with beautiful red and pink super curly hair and a stunning fur coat sat down opposit to me. 

"Omg I'm so sorry." She wanted to leave as she noticed that the booth was already taken, but I stopped her. 

"Hey it's ok. I could use some company. My friends slept since three hours in the car." I assured and laughed dryly.

She laughed with me, sighed and ordered some fries and a coke for herself. 

"You look tired. Also drived for hours?" 

"You have no idea. I am Kory by the way."

"Cornélia. But Coco for the nice people." I said with a wink. 

Kory smiled. 

"I am here with a girl. Rachel. We are visiting some of her relatives down the road, in the church." 

"Sounds not much promising." While eating my waffles, I looked at her. She was just so pretty. But not in the sexual way. Just from woman to woman. 

"Yeah. It is kinda complicated. And I don't even know why we are here! I mean five days ago or so, I didn't even know my name!" She whisper-shouted. Than she looked confused. "I don't know why I just told everything I know from my life to a stranger I've known for about ten minutes."

She started laughing and I laughed with her. 

"I know the feeling. Like you don't know anything and than everything comes crashing down on you. Just wait. You will experience it soon enough." I sounded more serious by now. 

Kory nodded. 

"I hope that day is soon. It is such a shit that everything seemes to want to suprise me- Oh no!" 

Kory cut herself off. 

"What?" I asked worried as I finished my waffles. 

"You see that guy that just walked in? The one with the brown leather jacked?" 

"The handsome one?" I laughed but got serious in a second. "Yeah. What's up with him? Is he your ex?" 

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