Chapter 1: Ground*

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Within Wall Maria, Trost District

Those who have no choice but to be shackled by sinful hands find the slightest light of hope in the littlest of details. The pompous eyes of those who lather themselves in extravagant riches and reprehensible pleasures disparage simplicity.

It is the very reason why I favor these particular days when my master orders me to the well.

I delightfully grab the empty bucket from the corner adjacent to the kitchen's wooden pantry. As I walk through the corridor, my mouth twitches into an involuntary smile. The beckoning entrance to the courtyard emanates a heavenly glow that gently wraps around my body. A sensation of ease and ecstasy seeps through my skin as my longing to see the blue sky pulls me into the outside world.

I take a careful step out of the house. The warmth from the sun rests on my shoulders as I walk further into the courtyard. A light breeze brushes against my bare legs; its weightlessness compels me to start a gleeful skipping spree through the yard, but the knots in my calves tell me to refrain from doing so.

The light is blinding and I can barely identify the sharp tips and edges of the individual leaves on the tall tree growing in the yard. I walk slowly to the well on the right side of the tree, letting my eyes adjust to the brightness.

Arriving at the well, I turn around to face the sun. I tilt my head back and absorb the inspiriting grace of nature at its finest.

Two pigeons fly over the courtyard. Flapping their seemingly weightless wings, they reach the top of the roof and soar over the boundaries of the house with elegance.

What lies in front of me is nothing but a pure sanctuary full of treasures that hold more value than all the gems in the world. Each blade of grass swaying under my feet, every living creature marching through the lawn and soaring overhead, and every swirl of the clouds plodding across the sky has something even more expensive than gold.


It is something too precious to be held by my dry, calloused hands. I can only watch nature's own form of freedom from a distance.

This does not discourage me. Just seeing that it truly does exist is more than enough to satisfy my wandering thoughts.

"Renata! What the hell are you doing? Bring me the water!"

Interrupted from my peace, I hurriedly send the bucket down the well and pull the rope to bring the water up.


Fear tautens my shoulders as I grab the bucket full of water and run to the door of the kitchen on the other side of the courtyard. Upon stepping into the kitchen, my foot gets caught in a small crack in the wooden floor and I collapse to the ground.

I am soaked.

I struggle to pull myself up as heavy footsteps shake the floor. I know, however, it is too late to do anything.

I feel a sharp pain on my forearm and another on my cheek. 

I look up and see the ogre of a woman with a thick rope of leather in one hand. She grabs my hair and yanks my head up. My scalp stings as every one of my hairs tries so desperately hard to remain intact.

"You clumsy girl. Just look at the mess you've made."

Another pang of pain on my cheek.

"You are nothing but useless."

My bare neck takes the next hit.

"If I had the choice, I would have you dead."

I am shoved to the floor and remain there for a while.

I hear another set of footsteps coming from the opposite end. This time they are light.

I feel myself being lifted up by strong arms and look up to see those blue familiar eyes and thick blonde eyebrows that I adore so much.

"C'mon, Renata. Let's get you dry."

After that, there are no tears, no crying, no anger. For the ground I was thrust upon was something too familiar to me.

It is something far from freedom.

That was more of a prologue, don't you think?
Anyways, what do you think so far? I know there's nothing much to say at this point, but I'm always open for feedback!

Comment, vote, do whatever makes you satisfied, Reader-chan. Your satisfaction is my life source.

And don't be afraid to talk to me! I love meeting new people!

Note: Published revised version on 4/1/2016

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